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Dr. Jack

:usa: Hopefully I am starting this thread in the proper place. I am following the ideas of other members to keep a log so to speak of the 92 Explorer now know as Dr. Jack.
It all started a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, oops,wrong story.
A while back in the spring/summer time frame of 2009. I was asked by an EF member if I ever do any 4wheeling, I told him I had done a bit in Death Valley but not much, this is when he intoduced me to the EF family. We made plans for me to join him as a rider in the CCR09 at Ouray. We did a pre-run in Moab where I meet Bronco2guy, Amy, and Chad551. Then on to Ouray where I meet a lot of fine peeps in the EF family. I had such a blast that I decided to start a project, I have always liked off roading but all the groups I meet seemed to have a "better than thou" idea.
Giving myself two years for the project, I started keeping an eye on the forum and looking around for ideas, then the 92 Explorer of Dr. John "Jack" Lobdell popped up on Craig's list in New Mexico, by following the forum I became aware of the sale, and by contact with other members I came to learn that this was a special vehicle from a special member. Lady Luck smiled on me, as I was able to use my brother's trailer to go pick up the vehicle. Robert rode with me and am I glad he did, his help was great. Got the rig back home and am now beginning to go over it, will keep upates as I go

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Looking good, hope they are/were not too much of a pain to get to work.

Not a pain at all. These sliders are tough! Had to try to adjust about 1/3 inch, BFH wouldn't move the slider bracket, so banged it on a big rock, made several little rocks but the bracket stayed true!

Gregg, two pics just so you can pick the difference out of one of the items in the pic. This time you get a Mustang yellow paper plate with your initals painted on (in Ford blue of course)


and the answer is...


Have to get some different bolts at Home Depot or Lowes tomorrow while at work. The rear and front are mounted, just need to finish the center mount.

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Sliders are on finally!!!! I might be a redneck shadetree engineer but I'm happy the way they turned out.

I can now get into the driver's seat without splitting my biscuits. (Gregg and Brad know about getting into the seat without a foot hold.)





Now to address some other items. :)

I can now get into the driver's seat without splitting my biscuits. (Gregg and Brad know about getting into the seat without a foot hold.)

You mean when you tried to climb in the back of brads 97 sas on 37" boggers and didnt quite make it? LOL

We heard a "OOOMPH" and turned around to see ya in the fetal position on the ground!

So....yeah, I know what you mean :p:

Seriously tho...good job on the slider install, looks good! :thumbsup:

You mean when you tried to climb in the back of brads 97 sas on 37" boggers and didnt quite make it? LOL

If you would of looked a second or two sooner you would of saw me in the "turtle on his back" trying to roll over!!!!!


Got the EF flag mounted, looks good Zukman!!


Still kooking for the right size electrical connector for the air lock switches, the ones in my kit and so far all the ones I have seen and places like wal-mart, autozone, o'reily's etc have bee too large. Radio Shack didn't have the ones I was looking for, (they had the male connector but not the female) so gonna keep looking.

Take a look thru here an see if they have what you need.


Also, I'm pretty sure that flag wont hold up to hwy speeds, we use em when wheeling.

Not meant to operate at highway speeds, look to the right just in front of the lights, you can see the smaller CB antenna, this is where the orginial 36" antenna was mounted, that one was removed and another added, the cable was bad so I ran a new one. The flag is only mounted to show what it looks like on the rig. Never even thought about leaving it on for anything but off road.

Thanks for the link, checking them out now.:thumbsup:

Got the camera mod done today, the camera itself is mounted at the front of the gas tank skid plate, turns out it is an great location.

The transmitter is mounted in the left rear passenger well.


The image on the LCD display shows the location of the tires, which is what I was looking for it to do. The display is clearer than this pic shows.


While in Moab as a rider with gman last year while we where at the beginning of Hell's Revenge, Gregg asked me where the road was, after a smarta## answer I begin thinking of a way to see the road at a crest of an incline or a decline. This is it.
It is not to take the place of a guide on the ground, that is why the toggle switch is at the LCD, to cut it off. Eyes on the ground by another EF member bets any camera.
It's sealed so crossing a creek will not be an issue, road debris might damage it but that is just the chance I have to take.

Got the camera mod done today, the camera itself is mounted at the front of the gas tank skid plate, turns out it is an great location.

The transmitter is mounted in the left rear passenger well.


The image on the LCD display shows the location of the tires, which is what I was looking for it to do. The display is clearer than this pic shows.


While in Moab as a rider with gman last year while we where at the beginning of Hell's Revenge, Gregg asked me where the road was, after a smarta## answer I begin thinking of a way to see the road at a crest of an incline or a decline. This is it.
It is not to take the place of a guide on the ground, that is why the toggle switch is at the LCD, to cut it off. Eyes on the ground by another EF member bets any camera.
It's sealed so crossing a creek will not be an issue, road debris might damage it but that is just the chance I have to take.

That right there is ingenious, I may have to take this idea sometime.

That right there is ingenious, I may have to take this idea sometime.

Thanks yellowford, it came out much better than I expected, just a matter of finding the right mounting spots.

Wheres the #@#$&#%%*&#!! TRAIL???

It's still underneath us or we would be looking at everything upside down!

BTW: I noticed on another computer screen that the pic in the LCD looked the same. It must be my screen that made it look out of focus.

Since I closed the door on myself for Moab, I had to look for the one that opened, found it on CL. Made a trip to a town called Sanger north of Ft. Worth and picked up 5 Aurora's 33 x 12.5's MTs. Just used the money alloted for gas.



Picked up some lights (LED) to install rock lights.

WOOT WOOT......and a WOOT WOOT!!!!!!:D

Those look killer Mike! Lots O beef on them puppies! Set of 5 to boot! Awesome find man.:thumbsup:

I'm gonna have to build you a spare tire carrier now though :rolleyes:

Great minds think alike, I was looking into that same thing. The 5th tire is mounted, but it's a jeep cherokee rim. (come to find out my spare is a 33 x 11.5 so now I got 2 spares, since I told the seller I would give him a new spare for him to hold them, I ran to wal-mart and got the cheapest 31 they had, a goodyear wrangler)

Just found this thread Uncle Mike...... Sweet rig..... Cant wait to see it at SMORR. Glad to see that this EX is staying the family. With those front fenders it looks like a SOA in the rear and you could fit 35's..

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Thanks Chad!!
35's are on the "future" list, maybe even 36's. I am looking forward to SMORR and finally wheeling it with the EF peeps where it belongs. Gonna be taking it out to a local yokel area Sunday and do a little trailing, but it ain't gonna be the same until this rig is back with it's wheeling family. Gotta get pics of Dr. Jack with other members instead of just outside by the house or stuck in the mud (on the first off road test run). Sure beats a rental jeep by miles and miles!
And the support of the EF just can't be compared to any other, just freaking awesome!!
