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baja bar


Well-Known Member
November 8, 2009
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City, State
flower mound tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 eddie bauer
hey guys
i got a baja bar from my friends dad. just want to see what all yall think and how it looks




hope you like it

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Looks good dude keep us posted!

i have to mod it b/c its just a strait tube and i want to bend it so i gose with the curve of the bumper then make custom brackets for it to fit ill be doing work on it during my thanksgiving brake

when its done it should look awesome and set my x apart from all of the others

I think it would look better higher up.

Its to low...ditch it can get another one.

the reason why i am putting it in front of my bumper is b/c i dont want to hide my lights behind my grill

Get a custom bumper made like me and it will look *****en

post a pic of it so i can see it and how much did i cost you to make it

Hit up brandon from BTF to send u a sketch and its $400 mine will be done next week.

I think it would look better higher up.

I agree. If you are worried about the lights in the grill, take the lights off the bar so they still shine through.

Raise it, swap the round lights for lower profile ones or install the round ones underneath or do both!

I have been working on my mounting brakets for the Baja bar. Should be 100% by next week I hope. I bought a set of 6 inch 100 watt pro comp spot lights for the bar waiting for the other light to come in of Friday. Took a few pictures the brackets are plywood. Have to get the metal ones cut.






i have a 2002 xlt and just got some hella lights and didnt want to drill them into my did you mount those inside the grill?

Hey explorerinthe336
i went to home depot and got a metal strap the part # is HRS6 and a L bracket part # A44. i drilled 4 hole shown in the pic below

then i glued the L bracket with super glues Instant Setting Epoxy Adhesive.

I when to 4 wheel parts and got the lights they are 5 inch 55 watt pro comp
lights really good lights. They are $20 really good price hope this helps thanks

explorer king. thanks so much this is a big help. any tips on wiring..sorry im really new to this. also do you have any suggestions concerning lifting the truck or running spacers on it?

If u don't have a wiring kit I used the pro comp switch kit. It was like $20. I put the switch right next to e brake I'll take a pic of it tomorrow morning for u. I ran the wires along the door and under the weather striping and behind the fender. It's not that hard. And I really want to run spacers and lift it but the ex is still his and he won't let me. Hope this helps I'll have the pictures up tomorrow morning

Hey explorerinthe336
Here are some picture of my wiring



I used the behind this sheald for the ground for the lights

Hope this help if u have any more questions fell few to ask

here is almost the finished product. should have it all done my wednesday of this week i hope getting the bar weld to the brackets tuesday. what do yall think



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If u don't have a wiring kit I used the pro comp switch kit. It was like $20. I put the switch right next to e brake I'll take a pic of it tomorrow morning for u. I ran the wires along the door and under the weather striping and behind the fender. It's not that hard. And I really want to run spacers and lift it but the ex is still his and he won't let me. Hope this helps I'll have the pictures up tomorrow morning

Hey ExplorerKing01, is there any other way to run the wires into the car besides through the door? Because I am installing my aux lights behind my grille sometime this week and am trying to find the best place to run the wires and all.

