Finally got new wheels and tires. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally got new wheels and tires.


Well-Known Member
October 6, 2011
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City, State
Waukesha WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer
I got my new wheels and tires. How do you think it would look with a black brushguard?



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Its my explorer..except badass :eek:

Post more pics ..and yeah a brushguard would look good..What wheels are those?

What size tires/rims are those?


Thanks guys. The wheels are XD Hoss.

Oh god eric that thing is sexy.

Looks like he mounted an led light like this on them.

I've been considering putting those on if I can't find f150 turn signal mirrors to mount on my truck

looks like hes got some of those across the front roof rack cross member...and 2 of them on the running boards

Truck looks sexy eric! tire size?

EDIT: Eric, could you post your fenderwell measurements in this thread please?

Thanks guys.

I have a BFT spacre lift. 2.5 inch in the front.

I have emergency lighting on my Ex. Everything is led except for the headlight flasher. 36 inch led attached to the roof rack. The mirrors have mirrorbeams on them. They are made by Whelen. They have red flashing leds in them. They are vehicle specific. There are leds all the way around. The leds on the runningboards flash red when I need them but they also will work like a work light if needed.


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Thanks guys.

I have a BFT spacre lift. 2.5 inch in the front.

I have emergency lighting on my Ex. Everything is led except for the headlight flasher. 36 inch led attached to the roof rack. The mirrors have mirrorbeams on them. They are made by Whelen. They have red flashing leds in them. They are vehicle specific. There are leds all the way around. The leds on the runningboards flash red when I need them but they also will work like a work light if needed.

Can you get a closer picture of the mirror?

Looks like a strut spacer lift. I would say somewhere around 2.25-2.5" in the front.

Now that you mention it, I can actually see the strut spacer on there.

No brush guard. I don't like them, which is personal preference of course, but it will take away from the rest of the truck.

x2. i think a westin bull bar with lights

or a push bar with lights like Triton's

I thought about the idea of a bull bar. I like the idea of some off road lights. I like the look of the push bar. But I stare at one all night at work for 8 hours lol.

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