Anywhere Near Industry, CA? Want some $50 or step bars free? LEGIT. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anywhere Near Industry, CA? Want some $50 or step bars free? LEGIT.

Dad brought his 2011 Escape in for a set of bars today, we had him in the shop at 9:30, started filming the install at 10:00 and sent him on his way before noon. We still need that 91-95 F-150 or Bronco to test fit a set of prototype lights - you'll get $50 for your time and trouble for those.

oh, also, BUMP?

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..My 91 Explorer is still setting with nothing to do tomorrow..:popcorn:

,,you do get to keep the lights and the $50 bucks right?

You won't get the lights since they are prototype. They just need the truck to test fit so they can make adjustments. They tested them on mine while I was there and found they needed some work still.

..They could keep the $50 and when they are about ready I would be happy to take the prototypes out and field test them..:biggthump

...It's getting to be summertime and I'm desperately needing some offroad, long distance, night lights for my vehicles..:D

..But heres a bump so those with a

91-95 F-150 or Bronco

..Might see this too...;)

You won't get the lights since they are prototype. They just need the truck to test fit so they can make adjustments. They tested them on mine while I was there and found they needed some work still.


Exactly. We test fit the lights to make sure they fit right, take a bunch of measurements and close-up photos, send those to the manufacturer and ***** about why xyz isn't right and then try again when the next sample set of lights shows up.

Also, the second I can do ANYTHING 1g Ex related trust me it'll be on here like white on rice. I have a set of aftermarket lights on my 1st Gen Ex and it kills me I can't use my Ex for anything (I can use mid-90's and up Exes though) here - though I already have a vintage grill guard and PLENTY of lighting lol...

..and 95 up Ford Ranger..;)

..and 95 up Ford Ranger..;)!

And step bars for 1999-2010 4-Door Super Cab Ranger models in 3" round in black or chrome finish. Having owned a Ranger before, I kind of wonder if the bars wouldn't fit earlier models, but IDK exactly what year FoMoCo started offering Ranger in a 4-door supercab config.

also O/T here... but I'm struggling to figure out wtf is wrong with my exs suspension (1993... sport 5-speed 4x4), and why it makes a clunk noise under HARD braking. sometimes sounds like a spring boinging. Wonder if the spring seats are the culprit. Anybody have some time to give me a 2nd opinion as to WTF I need to fix to get the suspension dialed in?

We still need a 91-95 F-150 or Bronco ; whoever can make it in gets $50...
text me at five six two 48I-1O72 if you can come by!


Thanks to Froggman for stopping by!

annnnd here's the video we made.

radius arm bushings appear to have been replaced and are blue poly material from the looks of it, where would i find the axle pivot bushings, as i've got a set from Energy in poly.

The pivot bushings are at the end of the axle beams where they mount to brackets on the frame. You'll have to press them out as they are a rubber bushing encased in a metal sleeve.
