LED headlight out / failure | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED headlight out / failure


Elite Explorer
May 18, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
21 Explorer Sport
16 Sport just under 19K miles, driver side LED headlight (not the C shaped ribbon) is out, passenger side is ok. Has anybody else experienced this?

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No issues here, but shouldn't be a suprise, in a sense that it could be simply a defective bulb.
I've read about another member having his rear LED taillights burning out and the entire assembly had to be replaced as the LEDs inside were not serviceable.

16 Sport just under 19K miles, driver side LED headlight (not the C shaped ribbon) is out, passenger side is ok. Has anybody else experienced this?
This is the first instance that I can recall being posted here. I wouldn't think it's a big issue since failures like this are bound to occur from time to time. Best to have the dealer check it out to be sure that the problem actually is the headlight.


Should be interesting to see how this is addressed if the LED portion is serviceable by the dealer or replacing the entire H/L unit. Good thing for warranty but LED should last MUCH longer!

The thing I noticed looking through the Manual is that while previous model years had fuses for the Right and Left headlamps, the 2016 has none.


Yup, scheduled service on Sunday (when I noticed the bulb was out) for tomorrow. I'm hoping it's just a LED bulb that they can swap out the same day, and I don't have to wait for them to order & receive a replacement bulb, or worse ... a replacement headlamp assembly!

My money is on replacing the headlamp assembly. Please let us know!

It's under warranty so I wouldn't sweat the cost... but i would be concerned with time IF they have to replace the unit.

So they're not sure what the problem is. According to the serivce advisor, I'm the first one to have this issue. They placed a special order for a LED bulb (part number BE8Z-13N021-B) and it should arrive tomorrow. If that doesn't work, then they'll order and replace the entire headlamp.


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So they're not sure what the problem is. According to the serivce advisor, I'm the first one to have this issue. They placed a special order for a LED bulb (part number BE8Z-13N021-B) and it should arrive tomorrow. If that doesn't work, then they'll order and replace the entire headlamp.
Let's hope that's all it is.


So the bulb arrived but they couldn't figure out how to install it after tearing the front end apart. They ended up calling Ford and they determined the entire headlight assembly needs to be replaced. That part should arrive tomorrow ... so the saga continues. I noticed there are scratches and pry marks on the plastic fender pieces where it meets the front bumper and headlight. :(

^^ and therefore you will request they replace the plastic fender pieces.

son of a b... typical dealer BS!! Good like fighting with them to replace the dinged up plastic.

Thanks for being the bearer of bad news, in regards to replacing the entire headlight assembly. The LED not being replaceable will be expensive after warranty.

I don't think that too many of the LED lamps should burn out for quite a while. I think this was just a bad unit. Usually with electronic components if they are going to go they usually do it fairly quickly after being put into service. It might be another reason though to look into getting an ESP.


Just going to throw this out there... if one buys an ESP, I'd highly recommend the bulb coverage warranty at this point. At first I thought.. what a waste of $40 or so but if these tail lamps and headlamps require full replacement if a bulb burns out, then that $40 is going to save you a ton of money.

I don't see why the bulb is not serviceable/replaceable. I haven't looked at it yet but I am shocked that it isn't one that can be removed.

That's what I thought. I just knew that the whole assembly was going to be required.

And to throw another quick comment out..

If there is a part number for the LED bulb... then clearly IMO you must be able to remove/replace the bulb. No other reason to have a part number for just the bulb.

Makes me question the tech's knowledge of this only because he probably hasn't seen one fail yet... Hmmm..

I looked up the bulb part number and it looks like a regular halogen high beam bulb. :(

I don't have the part number of what was ordered yesterday. Will post it when I get my paperwork on Monday.

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I looked up the bulb part number and it looks like a regular halogen bulb. :(

I don't have the part number of what was ordered yesterday. Will post it when I get my paperwork on Monday.
Don't tell me they ordered the halogen bulb for the high beams, which is replaceable?
