00 EXP. SPORT-4U2NV | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hey, man, nice truck. let me be the first to welcome you to the site! here you will find tons of info to help you modify, and maintain it. if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, there are many knowledgeable guys and gals here at your disposal. have fun!

nice truck! what size are those tires and rims, and what kind of tires are they? and yes, welcome to the site.

to post photo's check out this link:

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hey grn the rims are eagle 15x8..and the tires are 31x10.50 bridgestones (not the best tires..but thats what was in the budget) i twisted the torsions but think i may go higher maybe a bodylift(98-00 ranger)

Originally posted by Brian1
Nice rig! Although I don't envy it :) (I like your user name!)

[Edited by Brian1 on 01-27-2001 at 09:41 PM]
Briani to each his own not everyone might like u-r ride but you still post it here... that name accually came from a SHOW truck i uesd to have.... and i won ALOT of trophies with it ..... that name just stuck with me give me time and i'll bet mi 4U2NV exp will be WAY better than u-r 91 no hard feelings don't be scarred.....

LOL...oooooh a little bit of competition...I love it...

Originally posted by sphaugh

are those factory Wheelwell edge guards? If not, what kind are they?
yea the fender guards are factory, they seem to be different than most i've seen on sports. these don't stick out as much

Hey Ed,

You are from Victoria, Tx Right?

Originally posted by Kris Guilbeaux
Hey Ed,

You are from Victoria, Tx Right?

You puzzled me knowing i'm from Victoria. So I checked out u-r profile and saw that you are also from Victoria... Small world huh? then i went to u-r pics to see if i've seen u-r truck in town and i thought i saw it comming out of the ford dealership.. but i could be wrong.
Im not originally from Victoria, But I have lived here the past 7 or 8 yrs.

[Edited by 4U2NV on 01-29-2001 at 06:59 PM]

Yeah I saw your Explorer the for the first time on my way to class(BTW I was late). What caught my attention was your Shackles. It was parked at the Playhouse. But Now my Navajo is easy to spot since now it has a half destroyed front end from this week end. But if you need any help with mod be sure to let me know. Glad you Joined the site not many people from Victoria are members here...

Originally posted by Kris Guilbeaux
Yeah I saw your Explorer the for the first time on my way to class(BTW I was late). What caught my attention was your Shackles. It was parked at the Playhouse. But Now my Navajo is easy to spot since now it has a half destroyed front end from this week end. But if you need any help with mod be sure to let me know. Glad you Joined the site not many people from Victoria are members here... [/QUOTE

i have plenty of ideas but the funds hold me back but its good to know there is someone in the same town to offer help if i could do the same let me know some of the mod i wuold like to do is a body lift and i was thinking of taking off the fact. flares and skirts what do you think... hsve you done a body lift?
keep in touch if you want to get in touch w/me my e-mail is eo2027@hotmail.com later Ed


I have not done a body lift before but I dont think it would be too hard to do and would not mind helping. On the Flares if you take them off you will need to plug the holes in the rockers from the skirts. You could always plug the holes and use herculiner on the rockers for protection. I am now thinking of herculining my rockers.

I have taken it to a place called Garcitas Creek... Thats a place where 4Xs and ATVs go but mainly try to keep it clean and on the road..Unlss i'm going fishing...I have added a Safari Bar,head & tail light covers as well as a cat-back exaust(Flowmaster 40) since the pics... future plans are a 2 or 3" body lift.. I saw your X..its nice you have b*lls making holes in the roof for the lights... And the snow... I live in south Texas and we see snow once every 10 years and thats only 1 or 2" don't think i could get used to driving in it every day... Later

Thanks, I found out the roof is VERY thin...

The hole was kind of scary at first, but I have put a butt load of caulk around and in it and I am going to get a rubber boot to go over the hole on the outside. I love sports, Matt (01ExpSport) put the 3" on his with 33s and it looks awsome. I sold him my safari bar and he modified it to fit great(Safari Bars look better on Sports). I decided to go with the 2" since mine is a daily driver and my wife is pretty short. We are putting the 2" on this weekend and then hopefully before Moab next year I will have a set of 32" BFG/MTs and that is all the higher it is going. Once again, great looking X and take some more pics so we can see the new mods. Peace.

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