03 XLT, 31inch KO's, I love It............ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 XLT, 31inch KO's, I love It............

Just got back from the tire store with 4 new 265/75/16's BFG KO's on my 03 XLT.
Thanks for the input from this site, I relied heavily on it in my decision making.
The tires look great and the only place they rub is on the front tires at full turn against the inside plastic skirt.
And even then it just a touch, but I will probably trim it just a bit.
I talked to Brian from Apten, and the chip for the 03's should be out around the end of the year, which will boost the power, and correct the speedo as well.
Now I just have to find a bull bar for the front..............................and then .....................


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sounds like youve been bitten by the bug... welcome to the site, glad you were able to find the help/advice you needed. We'd love to see some pictures of your Explorer. If you need a place to host your images, you can always consider becoming "Elite". Once again, glad you are loving your Ex, and have a great day!


Lets see those pics!!:bounce:

yeah, I just ran the numbers on the tire calculator and they come out to 31.65.


Just in case anyone else is looking into KO's.
First day with the new tires.
Just a slight noise difference between the KO's and the OEM Michelins that were on there.
No rubbing of any kind other than a slight touch on the inside skirt at full deflection, and I have bumped hard over the curb a few times to see.
Off-roading test to come this weekend up at the cabin.
Better than OEM handling on the extremely wet roads of Michigan today.


i have the same tires but in 31's and love em, dont mind the noise, a little humm's alright
