05 trim help needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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05 trim help needed

Ok, I want to but a body kit on my 05' explorer (Pics below) similar to this this But as you see in the picture i have the black plastic trim on the doors, over the wheels, and back and front bumper. The bumpers I don't think will be an issue but is there anyway to remove it from the door and wheel panels?? after the kit is on it will all be painted black.

Any advice will help!!




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my guess is that normally with those body kits you receive a new set of bumpers and then the skirts, so the only thing that might be in the way is the trim over the fenders but those should just pop off. Since they pop off you might run into holes in the body.

yea, i thought that may be the case, is there anything i could use to fill them?? something that hardens up? I was thinking something like that mighty putty you see on tv, activate it and fill the holes then sand down for when i do the paint

bondo would work well and those mighty putty things are always way over priced

you cant fill holes with bondo or any other name brand body filler.

I am not sure what you are asking, do you want to remove the trim and then put it back on or do you want to remove it and leave it off for good ?

i want to leave it off for good

this is the body kit i want to do to it


okay then.
the holes in the fenders and quarter panels will need to be welded closed. That is the most reliable method, and unfortunately the most costly. :(

he looks to have modified the bumpers with fiberglass to match the trim (page two)
