1993fordexploere's 1993 "X" xlt 4x4 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993fordexploere's 1993 "X" xlt 4x4

i have been wanting to do this for a while just havent had time so here it is.this X was just used for a family car until i got it.

the first two pictures are bone stock and the other pictures are with 31x11.50 tires and no front bumper cause of the custom bumper coming in for my winch and the warn manual hub conversion. it has no lift. but will soon.:)
lots of mods coming up.





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So, are you paying for this stuff or are your parents? I'm not up on the whole, parents paying for everything...thing.
Maybe it's just me, but kids gotta earn their way somehow! Teaches them the value of a dollar. Though, we all know it's nowhere near as much as it used to be!

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oh im payin for everything. except for the vehicle. they gave me the vehicle cuz it was theres. but all the mods made so far i have payed for.

oh im payin for everything. except for the vehicle. they gave me the vehicle cuz it was theres. but all the mods made so far i have payed for.

That's good. I'm not saying they can't help a little, but one of the things I don't like is when you see some kid driving a supped up truck. Lifted to the max and over 10k in mods that they clearly didn't pay for unless they used drug money. When I was in high school, there was a kid driving a lifted H1, with 21's, killer sound system and pimped out interior. No way he bought that thing. H1's are at least 40-50K.

yeah thats for sure. actually now that i think about it they helped with the lift i think....:scratch: i work for almost everything i buy and see right now i dont have expenses living with my parents so i can do what i want with the money i get. oh and yeah spoiled people are gonna have a hard life when they get older. especially that spoiled.

Yeah, it just messes them up later when they go out on their own.

I'm in the same boat man, my Dad bought the explorer for me and i've taken care of it ever since. it's a great feeling though, doing it yourself. gives you a sense of pride, AND you can tell people exactly what you have and what it does.

I'm in the same boat man, my Dad bought the explorer for me and i've taken care of it ever since. it's a great feeling though, doing it yourself. gives you a sense of pride, AND you can tell people exactly what you have and what it does.

Yeah, it's no fun to never pay for your own things. It makes you feel better about calling them yours!

yeah. and the best part is that im a "do it yourselfer" type person and i love mechanics and right now im going into my 4th year of high school and i have did auto all four years and after i graduate i will have a ASE degree

Yeah, it's fun working on cars. I am leaving monday to head off to NTI in Charlotte(UTI) and am really excited about that and when I'm done, I might join the reserves and jump out of planes or be a mechanic for them.!:salute::troops::salute: Plus I would already be promoted before I leave Basic :salute: because I am an Eagle Scout!:thumbsup:

Yeah, it's fun working on cars. I am leaving monday to head off to NTI in Charlotte(UTI) and am really excited about that and when I'm done, I might join the reserves and jump out of planes or be a mechanic for them.!:salute::troops::salute: Plus I would already be promoted before I leave Basic :salute: because I am an Eagle Scout!:thumbsup:

where you bein a smarty? jk yeah that aought to be good!:thumbsup: good luck:salute:

i was jus kiddin man. i dont think its possible to take offense to that reply

new tires!!

yeah so thought i would update since i got new tires on er.



Nice! Are the rims 15" or 16"? Staying with stock?

Nice! Are the rims 15" or 16"? Staying with stock?

they are 15's. umm for now.. i want to eventually get some rock crawler wheels. it doesnt look bad the way it is soo it can wait till i can afford it. thanks

what size lift did you put in. also if you don't mind me asking about how much did it run you to lift it to where it is know. i have a 94 thats stock and like the look of yours, hows it handle thanks

what size lift did you put in. also if you don't mind me asking about how much did it run you to lift it to where it is know. i have a 94 thats stock and like the look of yours, hows it handle thanks

well i ended up lifting it 4 inches. all around it cost me about $800 to lift it with the 4 inch tough country lift kit. i really havent drove it much but the amount i have it seems to do just fine and drives great



winch bumper and the fog lights....



more to come!!! tell me what you think so far

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I couldn't really see if you had center caps on your wheels on your latest pics. A good looking (and cheap) center cap is the 2nd Gen caps. Just use the 2nd Gen lug nuts and the caps snap right in. A 3 inch hole saw will cut out the center of the cap to allow your front locks to come through.


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