1998 5.0 Serious Problems!! Need Help!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 5.0 Serious Problems!! Need Help!!


January 26, 2010
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City, State
California, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'14 Explorer Limited
I have a 98 Explorer AWD XLT with a 5.0l V8. It started with the chirpping noise in the front of the engine two pulleys later, then 2 codes and found the CMP Synchronizer broken which resulted in the sensor broken as well. I removed the synchro and the sensor, but failed to put the #1 cynlinder at TDC on the compression stroke ( I missed that caution in the removal, not good).

I was having major difficulty keeping the arrow on the install tool straight. I finally got as close as possible and got the TDC close as well. I put it all together started it up and idled fine ( just like everytime, I tried starting it 4 times) once I gave it gas it ran like crap! I checked codes and I had 9 codes!! I had the battery disconnected every try at getting it right and every try it ran like crap! I tried to go down the road a bit to see if it would be better, no go. From a stop it would take forever to get to 10 mph! It has no power!

When I first changed the CMP I had 2 codes, P0340 and P1309. After all this I have 9 codes they are: 1747, 0750, 0755, 0743, 0340, 1451, 0135, 0155, 1409.

What did I do?! Is this a result of not being at TDC?! These codes are EVAP, EGR, Shift solenoid, and the CMP! None of these where there before and the truck is a champ! Am I gonna to have to suck and it up and bring it in to Ford?

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Welcome to the forum. I moved your post to the "Under the Hood" forum.

I'm not familiar with the 5.0. Hopefully someone else can help out.

oil pressure?

I have an SOHC so I'm not very familiar with the V8 but I believe the synchronizer assembly drives the oil pump. The first thing to do after replacing the synchronizer assembly is to check for oil pressure. I've read posts from other members that have had problems with some of the aftermarket assemblies. Do a thread search to get more details.

I've read that the V8 will start and run (although not well) without a functional CMP sensor. The PCM uses the CMP output to determine when to start the fuel injector pulse. If it starts at the wrong time the fuel charge is "stale" but still available when the intake valve opens. I know there are threads that describe the timing process. I assume since you mentioned "arrow" that you got the timing tool with the sensor. If you don't have a Haynes Manual that describes the timing process and can't find a thread on it I'll type the text from my Haynes for you to use.

thanks for the reply street. Ive got to get a haynes manual. Ive been using Ebsco research database. The oil pressure gauge in the truck looks normal. I know thats not a definate gauge but it up in the normal range. I also got the Dorman synchro, that is apparently is not a good one. What brand should I go with? Ive also been looking at the Haynes manual for my f-150 (the V6 is more like the explorer's of course) and bouncing ideas around. Im totaly lost right now!

How to with photos

Here's a link to a thread with some good information and photos:
Cam position sensor questions...

I haven't found the thread about a member who had all kinds of problems with an aftermarket unit. It broke off at the bottom almost as soon as he started the engine. Then he had a hard time getting the piece out.

Hey Thanks Alot, Street! I looked at all the posts and I went ahead and ordered a Motorcraft synchro and sensor. It should be here tomorrow. I really hope this works. Im totally baffled by this. Its driving me nuts and alot of sleepless nights. Do you think this will get rid of all these codes? This sensor is the main sensor for all these, I take it? My fingers are crossed!

numerous codes

The PCM depends on the sensors for diagnostics as well as for engine control functions. The PCM can test sensor output value for range limits but has to assume that the crankshaft sensor and camshaft sensor are installed correctly for timing. If either is incorrectly installed, there's no telling how confused the PCM might get. The best troubleshooting approach is to fix something you know is broken or incorrect and then clear the DTCs and see what reappears.

clear the DTCs

DONT FORGET!! Did you clear them the first time?

It your PCM learned how to run the engine with the old CPS in place and you replaced this sensor... you must clear codes... otherwise the PCM is expecting to see teh same old incorrect CPS signal again

also when replacing the CPS on these engines there is alot of stuff in the way, so check your work and ensure you made all the required connections and mounts when putting it back together

the arrow will not line up 100% straight, but its damn close, like you described

also the engine must be at TDC on the COMPRESSION STROKE not during its exhaust stroke

thanks 410 and street. I cleared the 2 codes right from start. but once I started the truck the first time I had all those codes. I cleared them and started from the begining. Ever since my mess up I have been making sure Im TDC on the compression stroke. Which trying to stick your finger in the spark plug hole and spin the crank is a chore! Ill also have been check this stuff 4 times over before start up. The new sychro and sensor should be in today, Ill try to get to it today or tomorrow.

Ok Gentlemen, Im still getting my butt kicked!! Im about to bring it in to the dealership! HELP!! The only thing I can think of is that Im putting the wrong cylinder in TDC. Im going by firing order but the #1 cylinder is in the passenger side front cylinder, right? I put the motorcraft synchronizer in and I cleared the codes first thing before anything. I installed everything, checked everything over twice and Im having the same problems. The truck runs like total crap! Same codes and everything.

#1 is right front

Yes, #1cylinder is the front one on the passenger side and #5 is the front one on the driver side. Do you have oil pressure this time?

Camshaft alignment tool arrow should point to front of engine compartment/vehicle in a line parallet to centerline of engine.

Did you disconnect and reconnect any plug wires? If so, make sure they're connected correctly. Right coil front is 8&2, rear is 4&7. Left coil front is 6&1, rear is 3&5.

Hey thanks so much for the help Street! Well I gave in and brought into to the dealership. We are getting slammed with snow this weekend and I know it would be days to fix the truck. They said the c.p.s was good! but the hooked up the computer and found a fuse that was causing all those damn problems! A fuse! they put a fuse in and rebooted the p.c.m. and it was good to go! Unbeliveable! So $169 bucks later for the p.c.m. reboot and it drives like a champ! Thanks again!

I just found this thread. I am so sorry I missed it.
it was fuse 13--

Oh heck. Well, at least you got the latest reflash out of the deal.
