2001 XLT D44-SAS | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 XLT D44-SAS

Ok, I'm going to start this thread since I'm hoping to be done with this by the end of September.



Ok, those were the pretty pics...then I cracked the cover off the pumpkin-







The thing had a ton of water inside...no gear oil came out, only water...

Now the questions for all you axle Gurus...

I can rebuild this no problem right?

Are the axle tubes sealed from the pumpkin, or did the water travel down the tubes?

I'd appreciate any opinions on this cause when the water came pouring out I got disgusted and put the cover back on...I'll have at it again tomorrow and start stripping it down.

From what can be seen- any ideas on what would have to be changed right off the bat?

Or am I looking at a total rebuild?

I want to swap out the knuckles and spindles for 5-on-5.5, they're hard to get here...any body know anyplace in Jersey or PA that I could contact and secure some F150 knuckles and spindles?

Opinions would be greatly appreciated!!

Particularly since I'm hoping to pick up the springs this weekend. :D

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Rick runs the 36 bias IROK's on 10" wheels, and after seeing them on his rig in person i can tell you they are huge. Yes, the tread width is smaller than you want but the cross section is really wide. They do look a little balooney, but i like that look (you may not). Id throw some IROKs on it...


  • rick 2.jpg
    rick 2.jpg
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Have you checked out the new TruXus MT, I have heard a lot of good things about them.

james t said:
Rick runs the 36 bias IROK's on 10" wheels, and after seeing them on his rig in person i can tell you they are huge. Yes, the tread width is smaller than you want but the cross section is really wide. They do look a little balooney, but i like that look (you may not). Id throw some IROKs on it...

Actually I like the way they look, I never realized they were IROKs, I'll have to look and see what width they are- probably 14s or something.

Considering where I'm at and that I'd have to special order anything over a 31, I seriously don't want to be disappointed when I pick them up. The closest place to me that actually stocks anything in 35s or bigger is in Stewartsville, NJ- right near PA. We're talking a healthy drive

First Ok come up to Jds Offroad
They are 45 minutes north of the city In brewster New York.
www.Jdsoffroad.com is the site.

we have everything you would every want for offroad.
and were way closer then Pa.

Ok second,
Boggers are not Made for driving on road.
their Bias Ply. and when you get on the brakes with them on your truck it's like stoping with bricks strapped too your tires.
they won't last on the road. and are not made for it.

a wider stance for tires all starts with wider rims. ok atleast 10inch wide. maybe 12inchs with wider tires.
some better choices are:
look into Goodyear MTRs which are good on the road and alright offroad. and come in 12.5s
Bfg Mudd terrains are great offroad and on. come in 12.5s
Parnelli Jones are great tires work awesome offroad and come in a wide size they are like 13.5 wide for the 35s
Procomp X terrains come in 12.5 and are good for street and offroad
baja claw radials are badd ass for both

all of these are way better them boggers.
and with 35-36s you'll definately own the block when it comes to size, and tread with any off them.

we have a rock buggy here at the shop thats on 44inch boggers.and it all done up. atlas2 LT1 engine Dana60s coilovers it's bad and worth the trip alone.
here pics do it justice

hope this helps.

Thats a bad a$$ jeep, but I'll take whats fillin the front passenger seat first. :p

Lefy said:
First Ok come up to Jds Offroad
They are 45 minutes north of the city In brewster New York.
www.Jdsoffroad.com is the site.

I just got back from Ireland last night...I'm going to be working on getting the tires and everything else together sometime next week.

Thanks for the info!

Where did you get the spacers?

Kirby N. said:
Where did you get the spacers?

I ordered them from OK4WD in Stewartsville, NJ.


They were a little pricey , if I remember correctly...about $100.00, they're made by SpiderTrax.

Thanks man. I will call spidertrax.


Been a while, wanting to see this thing rolling down the street!

JoshC said:

Been a while, wanting to see this thing rolling down the street!

I've been planning on putting it down to do the work...I've just been thinking through mounting the front spring hangers.

Got new steel for that so I'm figuring about another week before I start cutting it up.

When I start I'll be posting plenty of pics start to finish.

I'm dying to get this rolling too... :bounce:

Well I got my incentive and the truck has been sitting for 2 days.

I was driving home the other night and felt a bad vibration...when I got home I get under there with a flashlight and lo-and-behold the mount to stablize the front differential broke off of the frame.

I was going to just tack weld it back on, but what better excuse to start cutting it up?

It goes in the yard tonight- Friday, rear SOA, and start disassembling the front end.

The SOA is pretty much done, I'm not welding the perches in place until I determine where the front is going to sit...in case I have to add blocks to level it. The tires are 31x10.50s. - I'll wait till I'm done and figure out what I'm going to ut on it.








I left some of the stuff hanging there...shocks, etc...I'll figure out what I'm doing with them later.

Last pic is where I'm at, going to start removing the front end tonight after work.

Looks good, I need to take a look at that thing in person before I leave here in a couple weeks.

Texplorer said:
Looks good, I need to take a look at that thing in person before I leave here in a couple weeks.

Hopefully it'll be done within a few weeks...

Oh, and the fun begins! :bounce:

Yeah, it actually is fun! :p

cdsl227 said:
Yeah, it actually is fun! :p
No, no its not. Mine is up on jackstands again. For the eleventeenth time. It was fun the first time. Now it just gets old. :D :p

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I tore down some of the front tonight, all that's left is the diffy, crossmember and smooth over the steel.



And the casualties...



Tomorrow night depending on what time I get home I'll drop the diffy at the least and maybe start cutting the crossmember so the rack is gone too.
