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2006 Explorer 6 speed transmission shifting issue - update

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from average 14-14.3 city to about 13.5 on the last two tanks of gas

from average 14-14.3 city to about 13.5 on the last two tanks of gas
Wow, that's a pretty substantial drop.

I just got upwards of 19mpg average on a trip to VA from MA last weekend. Regularly around the city I get anywhere from 13.5 to 14.5 really depending on where I go.

I DO NOT have this TSB done yet but I want to!

i have an 06 with over 67,000 miles. obviously getting the TSB done under warrently is out of the question so does anyone know how much it could cost?? thanks

Probably around a $100. See my posts on Page 10 of this thread. Save all receipts so that when the repair doesn't work in a few months, you can go back to the dealer again and again and again for re-work.

It was $90 for me in warranty. They said if there is no physical problem then they charge you for the flash.


Mine was a CPO warranty, not a new vehicle warranty and I actually just asked for it to be done just to have the latest software.


when i bought my x in 07 it had a new car warranty cuz it only had 13k miles on it. this problem didnt happen all that much until this past year. it did the bump when the engine was cold, but after it warmed up it stopped. the bump started happening all the time at around 50k miles.

probably around a $100. See my posts on page 10 of this thread. Save all receipts so that when the repair doesn't work in a few months, you can go back to the dealer again and again and again for re-work.

exshipdriver, i was told our computer's "learn" our driving habit's, and when something is changed it has to learn allover again,did they disconnect the battery for 10 min. Or so after they reprogramed it? If not, do it your self, then reconnect battery and drive it like you stole it (pedal to the metal), not just once but stomp on it a few time's! Let us know if you notice any difference!

Hi all. I am a newbie to these forums. I have read through the thread and need your help. HELP!!! I have 55,000 miles on my 06 Explorer XLT (V6) and am no longer under warranty. I am having the problems with the shifting. I am also having a problem of the car slamming into gear once I put it into reverse. It is a very scary feeling. I have taken my car to the Ford dealer. The service guy was a jerk to say the least. I told him what the problems were and asked if he could program/reprogram the transmission. They kept my car for 1 1/2 days. Then he called to say that programming will not work because I need to have the solenoid/cylinoid (sp) replaced. I asked him what is a solenoid. He advised that it is a piece inside the transmission which tells the car to shift. I asked him again what is this thing. He then said that the solenoid body needs to be replaced, it would take 1 full day and cost roughly $957 plus tax. Does this sound right to you guys? I asked him if this would take care of my problems and he started to talk in circles. I always feel like these guys see a woman come in and start thinking 'ch-ching, ch-ching'. Any input you guys have is greatly appreciated. Sorry about the super long post. Thanks in advance.

Could be a solenoid. I believe there's more than one. Unfortunately, there's so many factors that could cause the problem. Even low tranny fluid or a clogged filter can cause problems.

Hi all. I am a newbie to these forums. I have read through the thread and need your help. HELP!!! I have 55,000 miles on my 06 Explorer XLT (V6) and am no longer under warranty. I am having the problems with the shifting. I am also having a problem of the car slamming into gear once I put it into reverse. It is a very scary feeling. I have taken my car to the Ford dealer. The service guy was a jerk to say the least. I told him what the problems were and asked if he could program/reprogram the transmission. They kept my car for 1 1/2 days. Then he called to say that programming will not work because I need to have the solenoid/cylinoid (sp) replaced. I asked him what is a solenoid. He advised that it is a piece inside the transmission which tells the car to shift. I asked him again what is this thing. He then said that the solenoid body needs to be replaced, it would take 1 full day and cost roughly $957 plus tax. Does this sound right to you guys? I asked him if this would take care of my problems and he started to talk in circles. I always feel like these guys see a woman come in and start thinking 'ch-ching, ch-ching'. Any input you guys have is greatly appreciated. Sorry about the super long post. Thanks in advance.

theres a thread around here somewhere about the V6 shifting issue and nump were having...might want to look at that...

IDHarris, I suggest taking your Ex to another dealership for a second opinion, from everything I've heard and seen, the tranny issue we're all talking about on this thread is related to the V8, it's very well possible that yours could be caused by something else entirely different, such as low fluid or maybe a computer reflash. Also, it's hard to find a good dealer with a good service dept. I have to drive about an hour to mine, and my service writer is a woman as well, no offense guys (I'm a guy as well) but this girl is better than any guy service writer I have found, ask around the forum, maybe someone can recommend a good dealer in your area.

Since this seems to be effecting a large # of the explorers, any word if Ford is "Goodwilling" or grandfathering in unit out of warranty. This is not a one off situation as it is hitting most (if not all) units.

Mine has to go back again... i have the extended warranty so need to find out what that might run me... i shouldn't have to cover the deductible for a known issue.

It was $90 for me in warranty. They said if there is no physical problem then they charge you for the flash.

The physical problem for the TSB is the bump. You have to be feeling the bump, otherwise they won't do it under warranty. So you have to be feeling the bump. ;)

Oh I am for sure, come off the freeway after work and if i don't feather the brakes to a stop .. BUMP! :)

I just had my 2006 mountaineer updated with the 08-24-4 TSB and the tranny shifts the 1-2 much, much smoother, which way my main complaint. I did feel the bump once following the update and hope it will work its way out. Today was only the second day. I just hope those techs followed the TSB procedures correctly. Mine took about 30 minutes to complete and was 85 dollars (one hour of labor) since my car is out of warranty. I will leave another update in about a month letting everyone know how it held up.

I know this is an old thread but I JUST purchased a new 06 v8 4x4 explorer (YAY!) last week. It's a CPO vehicle and so far it has been running great. I had the service people check the history records on it and they said they show no record of it ever being brought in for transmission work or to have the 8-24-4 TSB done. It currently has 55k miles.

Here's my question. Is there anyone on here who has never had any of the transmission TSB's done, but have never experienced any shifting problems? Trying to determine if I should have this done anyway. I'd hate to make it have a problem come up (one of those, if it aint broken don't fix it type of things), but at the same time I like having the most recent updates; peace of mind type of thing.

What do you all think?

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OK to know if you have a problem, drive on freeway for a while, exit/come off the freeway after work and if i don't feather the brakes to a stop .. BUMP!
