2008 FX4 Lift Kit??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2008 FX4 Lift Kit???



Anyone know of a lift kit for my 2008 Ranger FX4? I asked around the places out here and nobody seems to have a clue lol. Either that or they just tell me there's nothing out there yet but I find that hard to believe.:dunno:

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...Contact either Superlift.com or Skyjacker.com...It may not show on their sites but they should be able to help you out...:dunno:

RCD - Race Car Dynamics.

They have the best of the traditional-style lift kits. Also, their kit includes a coil-over replacement of the torsion bar.

By traditional, I mean lower the lower a-arms and replace the steering knuckle. The "newer" designs involve replacing the a-arms with longer arms. This gives you more wheel travel, but necessitates fiberglass fenders (the track width is increased about 4" on each side.)

For the rear, Deaver or National Spring leaf springs, and invert the rear shackle.

...Doh, I forgot all about RCD, Pre-runner style...:thumbsup:

Well, RCD's website only show's up to 2002 Ranger. But I sent them an email so I guess I'll find out soon enough if they have it or not.

...Contact either Superlift.com or Skyjacker.com...It may not show on their sites but they should be able to help you out...:dunno:

Do you mean trailmaster, not skyjacker? Skyjacker's never had anything for the late model rangers, only I-beamed/TTB rangers. But trailmaster has a 4" IFS kit.

Trailmaster Suspension only shows up to 97' Ford Ranger. But maybe they just dont show on their site..

Do you mean trailmaster, not skyjacker? Skyjacker's never had anything for the late model rangers, only I-beamed/TTB rangers. But trailmaster has a 4" IFS kit.

..My mistake...:confused:...I think fatbobsgarage.com carries those...:dunno:

Trailmaster Suspension only shows up to 97' Ford Ranger. But maybe they just dont show on their site..

Ahh, you're right, it's possible they discontinued the kit. But that's okay, because the superlift kit is better than the trailmaster anyway, so i've heard.


I spoke with RCD about a year ago regarding their kit for my 2006. As I remember, they said Ford changed from 11" to 12" front rotors in '06. The RCD knuckle was designed for an 11" rotor. To put their kit on the newer truck would involve switching to the smaller rotor. At the time, they had no immediate plans to design a new knuckle.

Perhaps the changing market (and price of gas) will encourage them to rethink their plans....

RCD wrote me back and said they have no plans on updating the kit for the pre 03' Rangers since Ford is discontinuing them anyway. And Superlift has nothing to fit an 06'-08'.. Apparantly the front end is different but I'm not sure, it looks pretty much the same as my 04' with the exception of Rancho shocks.

I did see at the Offroad Expo a few months back that Rancho had a ranger with a coilover conversion lift kit much like the RCD kit. Maybe try contacting them to see if they'll be releasing something anytime soon. Even though the ranger may be discontinued, there are still millions of them on the road.

Superlift had a nice 4" lift for my old 04' and damn I shoulda kept that truck lol. I guess I could just use a bunch of hockey pucks lol

I did see at the Offroad Expo a few months back that Rancho had a ranger with a coilover conversion lift kit much like the RCD kit.

I saw that truck last year at 4WD Parts Expo. The major parts are RCD parts (they admitted that to me.) At the time, they had no plans to produce their own version.

The Expo is in 2 weeks here in Atlanta, so I will be sure and ask/encourage again.

There are some nice trucks in that thread!

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I think I'm gonna see whats all out there first, I'm still waiting on Rancho to get back to me. I saw that there was a body lift on www.rockymountainsusp.com to fit an 06' and from what I understand, the 06' and 08' Rangers were exactly the same. How much you want for your kit tbars4?
