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2012 Ford explorer limited


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December 7, 2020
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2012 explore limited
I put LED headlights in my 2012 Ford explorer limited and it did not help much what other headlights do you guys recommend getting I can't see at night

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Several members have installed HID lights which really isn't legal for on-road use. The main issue is that the headlight housing isn't designed for either HID or LED. It was designed to work with the OEM halogen bulbs. To do a proper conversion you have to do a complete headlight retrofit which isn't cheap and that is why many took the short-cut to the HID plug & play kits.
There are also threads on upgrading the bulbs with non LED or HID bulbs.
BTW, there are multiple threads on the HID upgrades. You can use the 'Search' feature to find them.


Several members have installed HID lights which really isn't legal for on-road use. The main issue is that the headlight housing isn't designed for either HID or LED. It was designed to work with the OEM halogen bulbs. To do a proper conversion you have to do a complete headlight retrofit which isn't cheap and that is why many took the short-cut to the HID plug & play kits.

I understand that but the regular bulbs are not bright enough at all

I put LED headlights in my 2012 Ford explorer limited and it did not help much what other headlights do you guys recommend getting I can't see at night
Check the aim of your lights. I bought a used 2013 Explorer and was very disappointed with the headlights. I replaced the bulbs with high quality bulbs and still wasn't happy. Then took a good look at the aim. I adjusted the aim with marks against my garage door, raising them a bit. It didn't fix a Ford defect completely,[ Ford really screwed up on the headlights on those year Explorers], but made my night driving much easier. I've never been "flashed" by oncoming drivers either, even in smaller cars. Just make small adjustments.

They are there. I just checked my post. Did you refresh your screen or get out of the thread and back in?
