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Solved 2020 FORSCAN Discussion

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Anyone notice this in the BCM config? "BMS / Auto Stop Start System" Anyone try it?

Added climate to the big screen via APIM "Climate Domain Enabled". It's not too pretty but interesting this message comes up. Maybe there is hope for SYNC4 on our 2020's....
"This screen will not be present on production U625 vehicles, and will be reworked (if necessary) for P702 as part of the SYNC4 development process"


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Is there a way to permanently disable the 30 minute engine shut down timer using forscan ?

I don’t think so.

Afraid of that. My wrench is checking with the peeps he got my tune from to see if they can do it. They programmed in AS/S off by default. Hoping they can do the same with the 30 min buzz kill. ;)

Afraid of that. My wrench is checking with the peeps he got my tune from to see if they can do it. They programmed in AS/S off by default. Hoping they can do the same with the 30 min buzz kill. ;)
How did they do that do you know? For the ST/S.

Ok... tried all the new settings. The DDM setting changed from 1 to zero and PDM the same. Did not enable global close. When trying to change the PDM settings, it would not write. The DDM settings did take. It did create a couple bugs when trying to open globally the driver window went down a few inches then stopped. The passenger widow went down all the way. And the auto up on the driver window now does not go up automatically. The passenger does work. Put settings back to original settings still does not work for the DD. The APMI did show the new toggle for global close.

Any idea what may have caused the auto up to stop working?

exact message when trying to write in the DDM Service procedure has been interrupted
I tried this today, got the exact same results as iTonyp. Only difference is above he mentioned he did not enable global close; I did. But no difference; was unable to program the PDM module. Would not write, error "Service procedure has been interrupted." I did not try to program the DDM module as I wanted to avoid the same problem iTonyp had with the driver window not going all the way up and down. Just wanted to share that I recreated the same problems trying to get global close to work. Thanks!

Has anyone figured out the codes for the Turn Signal DRLs? My 2017 you could enable the PIUs full time running turn signals. I think they called it Parking Lights DRLs.

I think I may have hit a "write once" code in the 2020 Explorer ST. I see that BdyCM 726-75-01 has been changed from 013C-0002-00E2 to 013C-0000-00E0. It doesn't seem like one I changed. I'm wondering if one of the Module Configurations within Forscan might have changed it? Is there any way to find that out? I've tried to set it back to the As Built, and Forscan says it wrote, but when I reload, it's still the changed value. My passenger window is jacked, in that it only rolls up or down in about 2" increments. I'm wondering if it's this value that's doing it. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!

I think I may have hit a "write once" code in the 2020 Explorer ST. I see that BdyCM 726-75-01 has been changed from 013C-0002-00E2 to 013C-0000-00E0. It doesn't seem like one I changed. I'm wondering if one of the Module Configurations within Forscan might have changed it? Is there any way to find that out? I've tried to set it back to the As Built, and Forscan says it wrote, but when I reload, it's still the changed value. My passenger window is jacked, in that it only rolls up or down in about 2" increments. I'm wondering if it's this value that's doing it. Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!
Got the window problem fixed by re-writing the full As-Built settings to both door modules. BdyCM 726-75-01 is still different than the As-Built, but maybe it was always that way, not sure. I don't think I set it though.

I tried this today, got the exact same results as iTonyp. Only difference is above he mentioned he did not enable global close; I did. But no difference; was unable to program the PDM module. Would not write, error "Service procedure has been interrupted." I did not try to program the DDM module as I wanted to avoid the same problem iTonyp had with the driver window not going all the way up and down. Just wanted to share that I recreated the same problems trying to get global close to work. Thanks!
Today or tomorrow I’ll take a look at how Global Close is configured on the Lincoln Aviators and let you know what I find! I’m 100% sure we can get this enabled.
Hi guys, FYI, there is a new Forscan build out, which does successfully write to the PDM module (last version would not write to that module). However, global close still does not work. I think it's got something to do with the address and/or code for the DDM and PDM module.

Programming this:

xxxx-xxxx-x1zz Change the 1 to 0

xxxx-xxxx-x1zz Change the 1 to 0

Causes the windows to go down 2" and stop each time you press the button. Same on the way up. Holding the buttons don't make any difference. the window travels about 2" and stops. The fix for this is to reprogram the entire PDM and DDM modules to the As-Built (programming just the addresses one changed does not fix the problem).

Hope we can find this global close code, it would be quite tasty. Thanks!

Anyone using a Macbook with Forscan? I have it loaded with CrossOver but can't get my wifi forscan adapter to work.

I actually have the OBDLink MX+ which was working fine with my Lenovo laptop. Unfortunately, the laptop is dead and I made the decision to switch to make. I may take your suggestion or buy a used Lenovo on Ebay and swap my old laptop SSD to try to resurrect it.

I split the hard drive on my mac and loaded windows on it. So I reboot and choose windows if I want to use Forscan, reboot and choose Mac OS for everything else.

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I split the hard drive on my mac and loaded windows on it. So I reboot and choose windows if I want to use Forscan, reboot and choose Mac OS for everything else.
Thanks for the idea. I'll look into that.

Update:. the Boot Camp setup for installing Windows on a separate partition was super easy. Best of all my old dead laptop was listed in my Microsoft account so i was able to transfer that activation to the new Windows 10 install on my Macbook by selecting "hardware changed" in activation troubleshooter.
