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2020 LED Upgrades - Links Added

Post number 10 has been selected as best answered.

It’s a cute little box.

View attachment 173049
Not sure how familiar you are with these type of LED bulbs. Once you plug it in, before putting it back in the lenses, hit your unlock button to make sure it lights up. If it doesnt, remove the bulb and turn it 180 degrees and put it back in.

They only work one way.

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Not sure how familiar you are with these type of LED bulbs. Once you plug it in, before putting it back in the lenses, hit your unlock button to make sure it lights up. If it doesnt, remove the bulb and turn it 180 degrees and put it back in.

They only work one way.

I got lucky, first time in was correct. I did notice a little red dot on one side (of the led) and just kept it on the left side - I’m sure that has nothing to do with anything but that was my process and it worked out.


are there any front turn signal LED available?

So used the same LED turn signals and theybare a vast improvement.

Also did the LED license plate lights but went with more expensive Philips LEDs. Didnt want to deal with cheap LEDs and starting to flicker with how much these lights are on (as opposed to interior lights). Left side LED, right side halogen in video (to compare)

View attachment 172842

Did you get the back turn signal lights just like these? I am trying to put the whole package on order with Amazon.


Here are the ones I ordered;

License Plate (similar but slightly different version of the Philips 194);

Rear Turn signals (same as the other guys in this thread);

However, with FORScan, I see there is an option to enable LED rear tail lights so they wont hyper flash or trigger a bulb out warning. I like that, may change them out for the version with out the load resistor if the FORScan option works.

Backup (slightly brighter than what was mentioned previously in this thread);

However, with FORScan, I see there is an option to enable LED rear tail lights so they wont hyper flash or trigger a bulb out warning. I like that, may change them out for the version with out the load resistor if the FORScan option works.

Just did that on my 18 using FORScan. Works perfectly. No resistors on my LEDs.

Here are the ones I ordered;

License Plate (similar but slightly different version of the Philips 194);

Rear Turn signals (same as the other guys in this thread);

However, with FORScan, I see there is an option to enable LED rear tail lights so they wont hyper flash or trigger a bulb out warning. I like that, may change them out for the version with out the load resistor if the FORScan option works.

Backup (slightly brighter than what was mentioned previously in this thread);

Where is that option. I know it works with all other Ford vehicles, just didnt find it (or know where to look) otherwise I would have saved money and gone the non resister route.

Nevermind, I think I found it (726-27-01) Going to order a pair of straight LEDs and see if it flashes normal. I ordered a pair and it will be here tomorrow so will report back.

So I did my LED upgrades today. I went resistor-less for the rear turns as I can fix in Forscan if needed. I chose SeaLight for all the bulbs. Note that for the plate bulb, I accidently ordered a 10 Pack. I am guessing you could buy just two. Here are the links to what I bought:
Rear Turn Signals Bulbs
Turn Rear Bulbs.png

Reverse Bulbs
Reverse Bulbs.png

License Plate Bulbs (note that this is a 10 pack).
Plate Bulbs.png

All Bulbs.png

Here is the left Turn Signal Installed: (I know pics and videos would be better if it were dark outside, or in my Garage)

Here is the left Reverse Installed:
Left Reverse Installed.png

Both Reverse Installed:
Both Reverse Installed.png

Left Plate Installed:
Left Plate Installed.png

Both Plate Installed:
Both Plate Installed.png

And here is both Turns in and both Plate bulbs in (I know should have put it in reverse as well :) )

I forsee those license plate bulbs not lasting very long. Those little LEDs will most likely start flickering. One thing I learned is not go cheap on LEDs as the China crap doesnt last long.

I forsee those license plate bulbs not lasting very long. Those little LEDs will most likely start flickering. One thing I learned is not go cheap on LEDs as the China crap doesnt last long.

Luckily I have 10 of them :)

Luckily I have 10 of them :)
I also have some of the nicer Phillips ones that I bought for the cab lights of my 6.0... never used them... so if I have flicker issues I will just put those in. The plate bulbs are so easy to change... its nice.

RayoVac, your turn signal video is not showing hyperflash. So they’re working OK without resistors? No need for Forscan?

RayoVac, your turn signal video is not showing hyperflash. So they’re working OK without resistors? No need for Forscan?

I was wondering the same thing, maybe since that was the emergency flasher? Curious how the left/right turn works also.

RayoVac, your turn signal video is not showing hyperflash. So they’re working OK without resistors? No need for Forscan?

I was wondering the same thing, maybe since that was the emergency flasher? Curious how the left/right turn works also.

So we went out tonight for some Dairy Queen. The actual indicators do NOT hyperflash. Both front and back blink together and at normal speed. My dash indicator IS hyperflashing... so it thinks there is a bulb problem... thus I think I will have to make the FORScan change. Watching some TV with the Wife, in a bit I will go down and see if I can make changes to the BCM. Earlier I was trying some IPC changes and kept getting errors in writing the changes (Service Procedure Interrupted). So gotta figure out if I am having an OBDII adapter issue or if the IPC write is a FORScan / Explorer 2020 issue. Yes I am running the latest version. I have tried it with my OBDLink MX+ and my USB ELM 1.4 with Toggle switch. They both error on the IPC write.

RayoVac, your turn signal video is not showing hyperflash. So they’re working OK without resistors? No need for Forscan?
I put in VLEDs into mine. These things are impressive. The reverse bulbs are amazing. 3000 Lumen ooutput. The turn signals are very bright as well at 1400 Lumen. The V6 Extreme do not require resistors and requires no FORscan alternations I assume because they pull enough energy.

For anyone looking to convert RReverse, RTurns and License plate lights I strongly recommend getting VLEDs. They're expensive, but totally worth the price. I've only had to return one and the RMA was very easy.

Reverse: V6 TRITON EXTREME 5K / 6K WHITE 7440
License: BLUE HIGH OUTPUT 360° 26 LED 194

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I put in VLEDs into mine. These things are impressive. The reverse bulbs are amazing. 3000 Lumen ooutput. The turn signals are very bright as well at 1400 Lumen. The V6 Extreme do not require resistors and requires no FORscan alternations I assume because they pull enough energy.

For anyone looking to convert RReverse, RTurns and License plate lights I strongly recommend getting VLEDs. They're expensive, but totally worth the price. I've only had to return one and the RMA was very easy.

Reverse: V6 TRITON EXTREME 5K / 6K WHITE 7440
License: BLUE HIGH OUTPUT 360° 26 LED 194

Wow... when you said expensive... you were not kidding!!!! $350 for the turns are reverse... ouch.
