3"Suspension, 3"body ,and 285/75s :D | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3"Suspension, 3"body ,and 285/75s :D

I get a little rubbing with my 265s and 2" spacers. It is minor so I have not bothered to trim or wire tie anything to fix it yet. I am pretty sure 285s would not fit mine, I only went with 2" of lift though. I am very happy with how mine turned out though. I would probably not do anything different than I have done. It looks a lot better but is still very practical.

Same here - with 2" lift (combo of springs and RB/JC spacers) I get the slightest rubbing on full lock. I did trim back a bit of the plastic on the mudflaps, which has reduced the rubbing to more of an occasional graze.

I wouldn't want to go any higher either, though, as my missus is only 5'2" and as it is she nearly needs a ladder to get in, LOL.

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I wouldn't want to go any higher either, though, as my missus is only 5'2" and as it is she nearly needs a ladder to get in, LOL.

Haha.. My wife is also 5'2", I have a foldable stool under the passenger seat. :D

wow everybodys better half is 5'2'', my fiancee is 5'3'' and she hates getting in, i tell she cant complian cause it aint hers lol

My wife is 5'5"- got ya all beat!!! ;)

She's already complaining with just the 32's on. But she did buy me the lift so I guess it's all in good fun. She wasn't a big fan of the Sport. Thought it was too tall.

so help me out here, guys:

Stock 2002 XLT: can I fit 265/75R16s? OEM is 235/70R16

3" Body Lift: I can fit 265/75R16.
*No rubbing, right?
*CAN I fit 285/75R16? will they rub?
*If so, will they rub after putting on some wheel spacers?

(assume i want to keep the stock rims for now)

no lift = 265/75/16 can be done no prob !

3'' lift + 265/75/16's = will work fine !!

3'' lift + 285/75/16's = rubbing i believe :(

3'' lift + 285/75/16's + wheel spacers = should work... ask some of the offroad guru's on here and see what they run...

to fit 285s at all you need wheel spacers or new rims.. Otherwise the tire will rub on the control arm making it nearly impossible to drive .. That's even if the rim would even go back on

I'm running 285's with just the body lift but I had to trim a little and I rub if I flex it too much .. Nothing too severe but something you can definately notice.. However i rarely flex so if you offroad alot I'd def go lift spacers and body lift for 285's

any reccomendations on wheel spacers? 1.5", i'm assuming...

what do you think about 2" coil spacers and 1.5" wheel spacers...do you think 285's would fit?

with just 2 inches? No way in my opinion. My 3 inches barely cuts it.... As far as wheel spacers go though1.5 is what ihave and is perfect in my opinion

hm... the edict has come down... 3" lift, and tires is all i'm allowed to do. something about having a '79 CJ5 restoration project buried in the garage :D

i guess i'll let her have her say - it's a daily driver, and i have the CJ to do lots of stupid things with! :)

while i'm thinking about it-

anyone wanna get rid of your lift kit extra parts? I have a few othe rprojects these might be good for..... i'm sure it's worth a little money....

while i'm thinking about it-

anyone wanna get rid of your lift kit extra parts? I have a few othe rprojects these might be good for..... i'm sure it's worth a little money....

yea why not

heres what i got

rear bumper brackets

2 3in blocks

few bolts

radiator brackets

I may have more ill look gimme a minute

i also got some other kind of rectangle bracket with a bolt in the middle

if your interested i also have 5 stainless steel 6in 100watt lights. they were mounted for about 4 months this past year and that was it. never used. summit racing brand

the lights id like to get 25 dollars for 2

or 60 for all five

Got some questions...

So I only need TWO spacers? Front or rear? And wouldn't it look retarded with the fronts sticking out more? What if I used 4?

And how about you guys who got rims? What backspace would be recommended with an 8 inch wide rim?

You all talk 16" tires (265/75=32, 285/75=33), what size should I use with 17", as mine are?

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I would guess that because a 17" rim is an inch bigger than a 16", the entire diameter would be an inch bigger. So if I'm right:
265/75/16= 32 and 285/75/16= 33 SO...265/75/17= 33 and 285/75/17=34.
Somebody who knows for sure, please correct me if I'm wrong. (I'm still learnin' too!)
