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This will only work with the v8 only and before the driveby wire was introduced. This one that i ordered is from stack racing, it was cheaper than the port and polished one.

The thing i like about both of these is there are both plug-n-play direct bolt ons.

The plenum i ordered was for the 4.6l mustang which does not have 2 pcv valves, so it was missing a hole for the brake vacumm booster. They sell one by trick flow with the correct opening. I simply removed one pcv valve and inserted an air breather, and routed brake booster. Both mods took less than an hour.

With the throttle body you will have to adjust your throttle cable with some zip ties down by the pedals.

Both pieces are 70mm which is 2mm more than stock.

I've got a V8 but I'm pretty sure my 03 is drive by wire.... Damn.

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I always thought the drive by wire was introduced in 04.

My 03 is a late production. But now I'm going to go look under the hood!


Looks like I've got something else on my to-do list! :burnout:

ok im done......took me 3 hrs to install and it looks great. i did the struteck springs and struts and had "Hard Notched Customs" build my 2.5 front and 2.0 rear lift. all and all im really happy just need to have the control arms made then ill feel alot better.


front only


i went from 34" to 36.5" up front and from 35" to 37" in the rear

Haha I'm halfway a fan. I want to do a suspension lift, but that's costy and ive got to keep my truck practical since its my daily driver, and im a wheeluser, so I dont want my chair a mile away when im putting it in my truck. But for aome reason I saw your truck and thought I was on the 1.5" thread. But I really like your truck, the dc deval looks really good. The lift looks slick as well.

the shop that built my lift says they will do them for 110.00 plus shipping. great deal and good turn around, they did my buddies and mine in three days. he has the design save in his computer so it wouldnt take much time to get them out.

the shop that built my lift says they will do them for 110.00 plus shipping. great deal and good turn around, they did my buddies and mine in three days. he has the design save in his computer so it wouldnt take much time to get them out.

That's a hell of a deal. You install youeself?

yeah i did. it took me 4 hrs by my self but most of that was the fronts. the rears were cake!

Just a pic of the Ex's fat ass at the gas station.

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Anyone have OEM 3rd gen crossbars for the Roof rack, for some reason I'm missing that on my explorer.
