4" lift on 92XLT. Tires, How wide can I go? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4" lift on 92XLT. Tires, How wide can I go?


New Member
August 30, 1999
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Hiya. You can get most of my question from my subject. I want to go as wide as possible on a set of BF Goodrich radial all terrain ko's for stability reasons. I know I can stick 10.5's on since that seems to be the norm for stock explorers, but does the lift heighth give any extra room for width as well? Can 11.5's fit and still keep the explorer's awesome turning radius (well, compared to the trucks I usually go with).

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Hi Epitaph,
Here are some good pictures of Jack Lobdell's 92 on "33X12.5's" with a 4" lift.
You can click on the pictures to make them bigger.

You can go to the home page and check out the write up on his Explorer for more specifics.
Better yet, here is a link for it.

I think that should answer your question. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L. Dead Link Removed
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC

[This message has been edited by Ray Lobato (edited 09-17-1999).]

Since you are going for 11.5" tires, I'm assuming you will replace the factory stock 7" wide rims. What is critical is that the backspacing of your new set of rims "sticks" the tires out far enough to eliminate your front tires rubbing on your radius arms and fender wells while turning.
I believe the factory rim backspacing is 5.25". To run 11.5s you should probably look for a rim with 4" backspacing or less. Since Ray already directed you to Jack's site, note that Jack's rims have 3.75" backspacing for his 12.5s.
As you can imagine, "sticking" the wheels out farther from the axle puts more rubber outside of the fender well - - Extend-a-Fenders from Bushwacker or numerous other sources will conceal the excess.

Good Luck.

32x11.50 is supposed to fit with 4" of lift, but mine hit the sway bar and radius arm. My stock 7" alloy rims had backspacing of 4.625. I replaced them with 8" rims with backspacing of 3.75, and know everything clears.
If I had known before I bought the tires that I needed new rims I would have tried 33x12.50.

