4th Gen Bodylift was a success:) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Gen Bodylift was a success:)


January 15, 2023
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2010 Ford Explorer XLT

After months of pandering about it, I got off my butt. Me and my boyfriend started to break every body mount (was the biggest pain in the ass, it wants to spin)
As we got everything situated for the lift- damn body would NOT come up! ended up sending it to my buddy with a lift and he got it all sorted out. Thank God because I was using the Wood & Jack method; it’s sketchy. don’t do that. all that needs to happen is the jack to slip out while your hand is between the frame and body.

now- it’s going to my buddy this weekend to get the rebar and trailer hitch receiver moved up! I didn’t want to use any brackets because I want some integrity in case I end up in a crash. So don’t mind my front bumper! He looks like he has a big chin but next week it’ll all sit flush again. not to mention this car was in a front end collision before I got my hands on it. So i’m proud of my explorer being able to take on this modification. :))) New bumper brackets are on the way too- but it was my fault. I snapped those lol.

Ended up cutting and welding my steering shaft. Didn’t want to risk the extension piece. added 3.5” to the telescope end (the piece that contracts into the shaft) and it does the job PHENOMENAL !!! My old shafts boot was torn up and it was a much needed upgrade to a brand new shaft.

lots of lift to a 2010 explorer, just got my hands on some extended travel CV axles which i’m going to fab up so my 3” strut spacer stops killing my stock axles. I’m going to keep playing around with this and see what I can do to make it higher- i’ve already stepped into the cutting and welding part of his car. Just gonna keep screwing around with it because it’s honestly such a cool experiment- and independent suspension is tricky!! time to see if these rear axles want to go under the frame with a diff drop kit.

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*break free! damn i’m not destructive i should proof read 🤣

Looks awesome!

I'd love to know more about those extended travel CV axles. I'm maxed out on lift because I don't want to kill my stock CVs

I'd love to know more about those extended travel CV axles. I'm maxed out on lift because I don't want to kill my stock CVs
i have the 3rd gen CV axles from trakmotive, one side is shorter than the other so i’m in the process of extending the telescope piece that contracts in. same thread size and spline! it’s definitely better since i’m on my 2nd set of stock CVs because my lift keeps killing them

i have the 3rd gen CV axles from trakmotive, one side is shorter than the other so i’m in the process of extending the telescope piece that contracts in. same thread size and spline! it’s definitely better since i’m on my 2nd set of stock CVs because my lift keeps killing them
Ok, I'm definitely looking forward to a writeup when you get done! Take some pics to you can walk us through what you had to do to get it working.
