5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. 2013 Pre Halloween Spooktacular!! plse read

The roll call is important because if no one is going I MIGHT make a change of direction and head a little further south! If I don't see any one on here don't expect to see me there, in other words... No hard feelings just a much larger event taking place I could use the opportunity to attend instead!

I totally understand what you mean, but i can't say yes or no for friday or sat. as i may just have a 12 hour day tomorrow or an 18 and i need to get the details worked out on getting Mark's explorer home to my house after he passed away :(:(:(

So put me down for a maybe for now, i know i could show up later saturday afternoon

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Jake, I would just go to your other destination. This runs a bust for the most part. I have already had to take myself out as well. :(

We can try to make it too SMORR Froze over or to KS rocks Froze over meets soon enough. :dunno:

True story, doomed from the get go. The other destination will cost more $$$ so if any one is going to smorr id more than likely go smorr. I enjoy meeting up with forum members and seeing other explorers but a bust is a bust so its a tough one.

Well, I think some are still trying to get there, Levi is one of them I think. If you guys decide to go, I will try to make it out there for Sat/Sun.

Temps will be below freezing over night!!!!!

I'll make an effort to be there sat. Greg if your going to make it. I think I got a good nap in today for Friday

I have to make a dash after school today and get my heep back together so if I can get it done it would be late tonight if I make it.

I am loaded up and on the road to S.M.O.R.R.!

Smorr bound and down

Jake call me when you get to SMORR, so we can see when you want to get hooked up in the morning. low tonight will be around 40 it's better than last night 27 :D

417-315-0137 Steve

and i made a few changes since you where here last time


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Anyone have Skype out there?

Do you face time?

Well I just left from SMORR and left Jake a electric heater as It's 39 degrees out there, hope he stays warm my bed at home looks great now lol

Redneck hillbillys shouldn't be using Apple products, that's yuppy not redneck :p: ;)

Redneck hillbillys shouldn't be using Apple products, that's yuppy not redneck :p: ;)

Only apple products we use or make are apple pie, apple butter, sauce, fritters, wine, shine,, brandy and don't like the iphones. I use an HTC 3D lol. Fancy high class city slickers and the only video cams we get, we have to snatch out the local cop cars. but that's just hide there evidence of us locals Rick

But face time is an Apple product skype is the generic ;)

Well trail damage as of date Jake busted the sidewall on his tire, emergency repair in the creek bed full of water. I went to do a recovery on a dune buggy broke down on per wee's crossing that now is a level 2. So no Jesse can"t run it anymore LMAO. Jake and the boys went out after I did on the recovery and spit out the rear u-joint on the jeep trying to do a level 5 on 31's


Sorry, I'm Web wheeling and laughing along with Steve's trip reports! :D

Pee Wee was a 2-3 last time I was out there last winter, I can imagine it has only got a little rougher since.

Level 5 on 31's! That was a lot of bottom sliding noise I bet. LOL!

Sorry I could't be there this time guys. It is the only meet I haven't attended since we started going there. Glad some of you made it and are kicking it hard. Have fun tonight out there & wheel safe! :thumbsup:

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Well Jake did it again, he sliced the sidewall on another tire. But this time after going up double wammy and on the way back out the top side on iron horse popped the tire. We got the old tire remounted and they took the jeep to go get his ex. But the jeep Cherokee went up double wammy


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