Smorr 2014 october 10-11-12! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smorr 2014 october 10-11-12!

I was really, really REALLY looking forward to coming to this. I'm trying to stay calm here, but the wife decided she wants to leave me and the money I had set aside for this is gone. At this point I don't see how I'm gonna make this happen...... :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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I was really, really REALLY looking forward to coming to this. I'm trying to stay calm here, but the wife decided she wants to leave me and the money I had set aside for this is gone. At this point I don't see how I'm gonna make this happen...... :fire::fire::fire::fire:


Sorry to hear this. Always next time. Hang in there man.

I hope you know I was kidding--:D

I was really, really REALLY looking forward to coming to this. I'm trying to stay calm here, but the wife decided she wants to leave me and the money I had set aside for this is gone. At this point I don't see how I'm gonna make this happen...... :fire::fire::fire::fire:

Oh that's not good at all. I truly hope things can be worked out. Please try to. The trails are going nowhere.

Thanks guys, this wasn't part of my plan, that's for sure

Planning on collecting lots of wood for big bonfire Fri and Sat night!!

1 week from now will be at Smorr......mmmmm yes :)

I have not reserved site, I always just find a spot in field.

Planning on collecting lots of wood for big bonfire Fri and Sat night!!

1 week from now will be at Smorr......mmmmm yes :)

I have not reserved site, I always just find a spot in field.

Glad to hear that! :thumbsup:

I might have spoke too soon about the bigger heater. Temps are dropping crazy fast. Going to be 38* tomorrow night! :eek:

Going thru camping gear. Gunna be a great time.

Is everyone ready

I need a trailer for all the stuff. :rolleyes:

The rig has had only 30 miles put on it in the last 12 months, and 60 miles on it since March of 2013. Travel time is 3.5 hours to the park and a couple hundred miles. Hope I'm not asking too much of it to get there, wheel for a couple days, and make the trip back on it's own with no wingman. :eek:

Jon, the person I have been trying to get a hold of to see if he wanted shotgun has not returned my calls. Your friends arriving on Sat can ride with me if they want. ;)

1-trying to find a place to fill a power tank

2- deciding which tools to bring. Who is bringing which tools? I would like to lighten my tool bag. Can someone bring air impact if I bring a tank full of CO2?

3- Trying to put the spare parts tub on a diet. (why do I have the feeling the part I wll need will be back home in the garage?)

Site 30 electric reserved for me :)Tent heater sounds like a good idea :)

Was thinking about bringing my welder with flux core wire since have electric site, this might be overkill, but.....

Heck Brad, if your bringing a welder, might as well bring a compressor too. :p:

I'm only bringing limited tools and limited spare parts. There is a parts store in town and JY not too far if needed.

No my compressor is big and bulky, i wrench alot of times without it, so that is not needed.

I just installed on board air that can keep up pretty good with an impact.... So I'll have that. I will be there late Friday afternoon, can't wait!

Ready to try some trails I haven't been on. Thinking up Rattler from youtube vids, seems doable.. Jake and Cliff you guys can give it a try.

Yeah I have been wanting a shot at that one, just not looking forward to the potential window loss...!

Heads Up!

My wife and I are needing this trip as a vacation. We just gotta get away for even a night.

That being said, I do not camp in rain. Let alone cold rain. I am not going to get myself into a situation where time to leave is now and we still have tents, camp to put away in cold rain.

So, if it is raining on Friday and the forecast says it is going to continue, I have to cancel. You guys don't want to see me going into spasms, believe me. Once they are triggered I flop like a fish.

On a side note the forecast seems to be changing daily. I am still prepping for the trip. I think we'll know more on Thursday.

So, the power tank is right at 5 years and 2 months since being certified. The local welding gas place did everything they could to push it through anyway, but no dice. I told them to re test it but that means I will not get it back for 3 weeks. I learned something new today. :rolleyes:

Heads Up!

I do not camp in rain. Let alone cold rain. I am not going to get myself into a situation where time to leave is now and we still have tents, camp to put away in cold rain.

So, if it is raining on Friday and the forecast says it is going to continue, I have to cancel. You guys don't want to see me going into spasms, believe me. Once they are triggered I flop like a fish.


I'm not a young buck anymore and cold rains shut me down with arthritis. I have been working as hard as I can, prepping for this for months, and even ended up in the ER doing so. I haven't been out on the trails since May 2013, and am dying to get back out with you all. But, even with all that, I am just not a cold rain person. Brad knows from experience how I am. LOL!

Could I suggest a rain date? The weather is finicky in October, to say the least, and a big warm front is pushing in next Monday bringing the temps back into the upper 70's.

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My vacation is set, wife permission granted, my group will be rain or shine. I will not be able to make a later date.

I do understand not wanting to go if raining thoe. Lets hope it holds out :)
