8.8 Junkyard LS Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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8.8 Junkyard LS Question


May 13, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Cities, Minne"snow"ta
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Explorer Sport "Dora"
Alright, I've searched around and still haven't come up with a definitive answer yet, so here goes:

I currently have an open carrier in my rear axle, and I know that some models came with LS's installed. Putting aside gearing and full lockers, will an LS out of either a 1st or 2nd gen rear end "drop in"? Put simply, are there generational differences in how the rear diffs are set up? I'd like to start picking through some of the yards near me, and want to know what to look for.

I know you can swap the whole axle for 2nd gen disc brakes, but that's much further down the list right now. Obviously, if I found a locker :eek: I would grab that instead, but I feel the odds of finding an LS are much better at the yards I frequent.

Thanks for any info guys!

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In my opinion just put the entire axle in. the extra cost if you get it from a pick and pull would be negligible and would be offset by what it would cost you for an install kit and getting it set up... And you end up with disk brakes...

In my opinion just put the entire axle in. the extra cost if you get it from a pick and pull would be negligible and would be offset by what it would cost you for an install kit and getting it set up... And you end up with disk brakes...

exactly what i was going to say. find a 2nd gen disc brake rear. I still have the factory LS in my trail truck just with a few extra friction and steel discs added to the clutches and it performs great. you can even get lucky and sometimes find factory LS and 4.10 gears. great upgrade if you're running a larger tire and relatively cheap to match the front.

another option you have with the open carrier is adding a lunchbox type locker, i.e. aussie, lockright, spartan, etc.. easy install for drop in traction

Pulling the l/s spring and all the packs does not sound fun in a junk yard. But in theory yes you could just pull one out and drop in another truck. Maybe put something in the wanted section of the forum.

explorer 91-01 & Rangers as well 8.8's bolt up. On the disk brake version you should use the 95 master cylinder for the brakes.
A note on installing just the locker...Unless you know what you are doing & done it before or have a shop you trust don't do it. It's not just a simple bolt in & go.

You don't need to go with the whole axle-- you can just mount up the brackets from a disk brake axle- and calipers and such-- you will still have to modify brake lines and e-brake cable either way.
