91-94 X Schematics / Diagrams | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91-94 X Schematics / Diagrams


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...If you have a Ranger or BII, your info can be found here...
Dead Link Removed

...I've realised the importance of these and after searching for them multiple times for other user's, I thought I would try and round some up and put them in one place...These are getting harder to find and some parts at the dealers have become obsolete...

...Links to various Schematics

...Autozone's Vehicle Repair Guide
Repair Help | AutoZone.com

..Ford door Sticker Decoder...
Dead Link Removed

...Ford Transmission Spotters Guide..
Dead Link Removed

...PATS Key System Programming..
Dead Link Removed

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...Rear Driveshaft Torque specs...
..The bolts are M12x1.75 bolts

The front flange torque at 12-16 ft-lbs. with Red Lock-tite

Driveshaft-to-transfer case bolts
-Through 2000: 12-16 ft/lbs
-2001 and later models: 83 ft/lbs

Driveshaft-to-rear axle bolts
-1991 through 1996
----With double-cardan U-joint: 70-95 ft/lbs
----With single-cardan U-joint: 8-15 ft/lbs
-1997 and later: 70-95 ft/lbs

...For other fuel related testing and pics, go here...

...This is for a 93-94 X...I can not find one for the 91-92 X yet..:(

Vacuum Diagrahm's

91-93 Explorer


94 Explorer


95-99 Explorer/Mountaineer 4.0L


96-99 Explorer/Mountaineer 5.0L



..Stop light Brake switch...

this site contains most of the 90's era service manual cd (from ford).

check em out, they are the real ford product, not a knockoff like chiltons or haynes..


yes, I know the site is geared towards lincolns, I found it when I had my 91 continental. They do have the trucks in some of the early ones as well as cars, others have the trucks seperate.

...Cool, links are good too...yea, I just wanted to get a few pics that are always asked for together in one spot so all can easily use them before they disappear...

...I am a big fan of the online info for these vehicles but, over the last year they have started to disappear and I noticed today another one of my resources vanished off the interenet..:eek:

Sweet, tbars you rock.

...It's a team effort around here...;)

..Be sure to thank all the contributor's when you talk with them...With out their help, this would only be a couple pics...:salute:

one wire problem!!!!

i just obught a 94 exp 4x4 with alternator problems can someone tell me what the solid black with orange stripe 4 gauge wire that bolts onto the back of the alternator is a power or ground lead?? please please let me know

What about a harness pic for a 94 ranger 4.0 specifically where and what the cam sensor plug looks like and is located

The diagram showing electrical connections for 93/94 doesnt look like my 94... the battery should be on the pass side front corner, not the drivers side. Pwr distr box also should be pass side... possible this is 91-93 or 92-93? (You said you couldnt find 91/92... just sayin)

..All the books I've seen show that battery on the wrong side, even at the Dealership..:banghead:

Also, the link for 94 explorer below that went away...

..:scratch:..There are several so if you could clarify it a little bit such as which post it's in maybe I can find a replacement or at least see if there is a picture error..;)


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..All the books I've seen show that battery on the wrong side, even at the Dealership..:banghead:

..:scratch:..There are several so if you could clarify it a little bit such as which post it's in maybe I can find a replacement or at least see if there is a picture error..;)


The bad links I'm talking about are the next 2-3 following the 93/94 diagram on your consolidated post.
