92 Explorer Eddie bauer on 32's - Now 35's | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 Explorer Eddie bauer on 32's - Now 35's

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You will be over the accepted tire size for the Dana 44 from the start. That, and your driving style might make it short lived. I would look for smaller tires or a Dana 60.

You will be over the accepted tire size for the Dana 44 from the start. That, and your driving style might make it short lived. I would look for smaller tires or a Dana 60.
The d44 will do just fine. . I am not heavy on the pedal:D
But i am looking for a d60:D

The d44 will do just fine. . I am not heavy on the pedal:D
But i am looking for a d60:D

I more meant where you wheel, than how you wheel. Its all the mud and big tires that kills axles. I guess you can just wheel it until you break it, all the while keep looking for a D60.

I have a Dana 44, but its high pinyon. I am never going to be running bigger than 37" tires. I am also very cautious with the throttle, preferring to crawl over / through and let the tires, suspension, gears and lockers do the work. In deep, sticky mud, you don't have that option.

So, anyways.....what's the plan for the SAS?? Radius arms, 4 link, etc..??


  • D60roundyoke.jpg
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Cutting and grinding, cutting and grinding :thumbsup:

Out of cutting wheels again :mad:


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Dana 60 Axle swap kit is ready to be picked up at the shipping company (try to do that monday) And my wheels are soon to come.. things will soon happend:D

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