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A Real Mountaineer!

The Beast... Lifted!

Here are some links to pics with the TT and WAR153...
(dead link)
... looks like I am going to have to install the add-a-leafs too.

(shrink the pics if you want... I'm not)

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looks good, DAMN those are big pics I think they might be lifesize, dialup connections beware!

lookin good, yea, those are large.. but I'd rather wait for a pic I can see.. but then again I'm on cable so I cant really say that heh

keep up the good work, lovin those tires, nice N beefy

I was thinking the same thing when I read this post. LOL

Originally posted by DarkFox1
looks good..

are you suggesting by the topic of this post that I have a fake mountaineer? :p

thats (one) of the coolest mountaineers ive ever seen (darkfox ;) ) whats up with the grill, is that custom, or just upside down? haha i like it... looks meaner :mad: !!

its stock actually heh, I don wanna be rude and reply for the guy.. sorry man! I'm not doin that! but '97 mountaineers were just like the explorer front.. in '98 to 2001 they flipped the headlights sorta and gave it that front end.. then in 2002 they came out with the suburan lookin montster :p I like the 1st 2 the best, I thikn some clear corners on that model yeare would look awesome

Originally posted by offroader_69_me
I always wondered why no one ever lifted a mountaineer.

Dude, that was just plain mean.

I really like seeing a Mountaineer with a lift. If I had to start over I would either modify a Mountaineer of a Sport trac... Looking good.

how was that mean heh.. I thought about lifting mine.. then I realized it was 2wd, I don't offroad and the way I drive being more top heavy would be hazardous.. so I dinna bother
