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a4ld valve body ?'s


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heres a legend:

sqaure box-dotted line=square keeper with slots

sqaure box-broken lines=round alum. pucks

sqaure box-solid outline=sqaure metal keeper

circle with x= L shaped keepers in question

also, make sure you push valve in slightly when installing the l hook you lost. it will have to line up with a slot in its respective valve.

also, make sure you push valve in slightly when installing the l hook you lost. it will have to line up with a slot in its respective valve.

lol i have already been out to the garage to do it...and its placed back where it needs to be thanks again and now for another dumb but yet reasonable question.... the check valve balls or whatever they are called (the small metal balls) how many is there supposed to be...i found a hole in teh bottomn of my ziplock baggy which most likely was caused from all the moving of parts i have to do and it happened to be the baggy with the smallest parts those balls...i see 5 similar slots on the Vb for them...but i only have 4 Is there 5 or 4 balls idr from removing but if its 5 i gotta get some more

it depends on your valve body. there are two types- one with 2 electric sil. or with 1 elec. sil. 2 sil. has 5 balls 1 sil. has 6 balls.

it depends on your valve body. there are two types- one with 2 electric sil. or with 1 elec. sil. 2 sil. has 5 balls 1 sil. has 6 balls.

well i have 2 sil's so i guess imma have to get a new ball dammit lol

you should also have 2 small pucks that go in the vb too. they are tiny prob. made of plastic. just a ? why dont you just throw the transgo kit in there since you have it apart already?

you should also have 2 small pucks that go in the vb too. they are tiny prob. made of plastic. just a ? why dont you just throw the transgo kit in there since you have it apart already?

i have the 2 small pucks..well if im thinking of the right things had 2 springs underneath them and what not...as for this transgo kit where cna i order it online and is there diff kit variations for the a4ld im on a tight budget here and i really only needed a torque converter but these stickys here gave me the courage to open it up and at least check parts out...well on the valve body at least due to not having the toolds to break into the rest

i can send you another sheet to show you where the balls go. have to do it tom. i already left the shop.

the transgo kit was only 28 bucks. im in the same boat,would like to rebuild but cant afford it right now. let mefind a dealer for you. whats the closest major city?

i can send you another sheet to show you where the balls go. have to do it tom. i already left the shop.

im willing to take any info ur willing to send lol it all helps just fax it any time i'll be home...as for the transgo kit..where is a place online i can order it relatively cheap lol and is there diff kit options for the a4ld or just one?

IA Davenport Mid States Transmission 800-325-6772 only transgo dealer in ia. otherwise just go to transgo.com

as far as i know only 1. make sure you get the 2 new vb gaskets also.(i didnt now i get to make another trip to the dealer) heres what i got=a4ld-a junior-shift kit

there should have been a small plastic filter too, wouldnt hurt to replace that, im gonna.

it will have all the instructions you need.thats the sheet i sent you. i would read the vb sticky before you take everything apart.do 1 valve at a time and bag it and label it, hence the numbers on the sheet i sent you.

there was no number on it,on that vb sticky it shows a pic of the box. the green one.

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