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a4ld valve body ?'s

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another link with the same one that is more easily printable for others would be found at the ranger station....http://www.therangerstation.com/tech_library/pdf_documents/A4LD_manual.pdf

ok im having issues getting out a couple of the pieces within the vB any tips and tricks of how to get these suckers out they are specifically the intermediate servo accum./ O dr. sevo accum (as labeled by teh chart earlier in this post with all the valve body parts and the 1-2 transition/2-3 backout once again as labeled in that pic and link earlier...any ideas helpful hints and tips?

just for ***** and giggles snapped a pic lol


lovely zip lock bags masking tape and a marker lol and of course all on my grams kitchen table...and she told me if i use the dishwasher she will kill me hahaha (remarking to another sticky thread here created by...i cant recall atm lol

i used dental picks and pushed out from backside. very tricky, took me like 2 hours to take apart. btw.......just put mine back together, truck still has engagement problem...........totally sucks!! 2 days and 125 bucks for nothing.

i used dental picks and pushed out from backside. very tricky, took me like 2 hours to take apart. btw.......just put mine back together, truck still has engagement problem...........totally sucks!! 2 days and 125 bucks for nothing.

yea im looking around for a tiny pick i still have yet to finish teh last 2 due to court today and havent been abck to it yet lol for some reason finishing the insulation in the garage seems like a higher priority so i have something warm to work in...gram didnt like her kitchen table being used to overhaul things as she put it lol

hope it works out for ya. im driving out to glamis tonight to pick up an a4ld for 200 bucks!!!! sweet deal.

hope it works out for ya. im driving out to glamis tonight to pick up an a4ld for 200 bucks!!!! sweet deal.

i still cant get those last 2 things out i've tried and tried and im afraid to scratch up the sides and/or put groves in it and what not...i may just force it out lol and get new pieces tho cuz if i keep it up imma have those two things tore the hell up its driving me nuts oh well i do have 2 weeks until i can get the shift kit... =( funds ran out it sucks lol

well i got everything out now just waiting for the shift kit...but now another ? and sorry its a bad picture but how do u get the "shift lever" out from the side of the tranny i seen the nut internally and loosened it but i cant pull it off is there something im missing?


i wasnt sure exactly how to explain it or what to call it dont pics work wonders lol

Yeah, that pins is a pain in the ass. i used needle nose vise-grips and wobbled back and forth until it broke free. be carefull it will break easy.btw...installed used trans and it works great!!!

The pin inside of the channel needs to be pulled out. Use 2 flat screwdrivers to pry it out. The walls of the channel will act as a fulcrum.

is this the small pin you are talking about?


Yeah, that pins is a pain in the ass. i used needle nose vise-grips and wobbled back and forth until it broke free. be carefull it will break easy.btw...installed used trans and it works great!!!

ok well i'll giv that a shot what if the pin breaks how complicated will it be to get whats left out of there? and glad ur used tranny works...im still waiting on more funds for mine lol

That pin is very difficult to extract if it cracks off in there. I once broke a transmission case trying to get that pin out! :eek: One member on this site once mentioned that he used a body work electric stud gun to weld a stud onto the broken pin, then pull it out with a slap hammer. They sell a repair kit for the case, but it's better not to butcher it up in the first place. Try using 2 flat screwdrivers first.

That pin is very difficult to extract if it cracks off in there. I once broke a transmission case trying to get that pin out! :eek: One member on this site once mentioned that he used a body work electric stud gun to weld a stud onto the broken pin, then pull it out with a slap hammer. They sell a repair kit for the case, but it's better not to butcher it up in the first place. Try using 2 flat screwdrivers first.

will do thanks guys!

That pin is very difficult to extract if it cracks off in there. I once broke a transmission case trying to get that pin out! :eek: One member on this site once mentioned that he used a body work electric stud gun to weld a stud onto the broken pin, then pull it out with a slap hammer. They sell a repair kit for the case, but it's better not to butcher it up in the first place. Try using 2 flat screwdrivers first.

ok guys the pin is out the 2 flat screw drivers trick work amazing thanks brooklyn

Since I don't like to take chances with those pins (from a past experience), I usually take them out, and use a nail in its place. The nail gets bent into the channel (looks like an "L"), and is easy to extract in the future.

Since I don't like to take chances with those pins (from a past experience), I usually take them out, and use a nail in its place. The nail gets bent into the channel (looks like an "L"), and is easy to extract in the future.

brooklyn...how did u become such a tranny genius! i woulda never thought about it but since i was lucky to not break that pin...i will deff use your trick!

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i got the wild hair to take the chance tearing into things today...and to find out actually for 285k miles i would say everything looks great... there is a pic of the friction disks and all teh rest look the same too..is there any specific things i should double look for since i have ti tore down?
