Anyone back from Truckhaven??? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone back from Truckhaven???



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How about getting Mike back to T-haven for a little play session when it's not so busy :D I'm game!!

I'll bait him and see what happens.;) We'll dare him to do CJ hill first.:D

Talking about old Crusty.......


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The Truckhaven Tunnel. It does exist! Now to find it...


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no worries cheif i had plenty of help to bad they weren't to much help:rolleyes: the ranger couldn't even pull me out with the winch. but a superduty came by after 2 hours of being stuck and pulled me right out.

Tracy and I got down there thursday and thursday night just about had our tent blown away. Friday ran into Tom and BSed for a while. We ended up moving down and camping with the tin benders and used there motor homes as wind blocks so it wasnt to bad. Also Saw chief out there. I hope you get that tracbar fixed before it hurts the frame more. Wish I would have found everyone out there. To many people out there this past weekend for me.

PS that toyota with krusty spray painted on it we we were camped right behind him. Later it sayed krusty is gay and I love goats.


Hey rockranger, Whats up. Tell Tracy we Said hi too. I found out i Dont need the Trac bar. I just 86'ed it. I drove it all the way home and it felt like the same old truck without the trac-bar. So I am just gonna weld the frame right there and cut the mounts off. Everything else was fine.
I hope too see some of you on the next run. I am probably going to start project 'Cobra Chief' soon, so I dont know when i'll be 4X4'in again. Hopefully soon.

On a little sidenote, they are giving away that Dynatrac rockcrawler in Petersons 4wheel and offroad. The pics on this thread are better than they have in the mag of the crawler...details on how to win it will be in the next issue, they could possibly have info on their website now.

Originally posted by DB_1
On a little sidenote, they are giving away that Dynatrac rockcrawler in Petersons 4wheel and offroad. The pics on this thread are better than they have in the mag of the crawler...details on how to win it will be in the next issue, they could possibly have info on their website now.

The mag is trying to expose it one step at a time to show the build up. You shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag. I'm going to win it :p And the more people who know the worse my chances:D

I have a neighbor down the street with a built CJ -- I should have known it was the TDS weekend when he loaded that Jeep up behind his motorhome...

I pasted together my 360* view of TDS:

Dead Link Removed

Now the question is: Where is Johns Jeep? :)

Originally posted by Jefe
I pasted together my 360* view of TDS:

Dead Link Removed

Now the question is: Where is Johns Jeep? :)

Must be some kind of variation of "Where's Waldo?"

It's amazing more of the campers don't get stuck out there!

So Rick, where'd you find the pic of the tunnel, the pirate board?

Haha Rick...but if you win it that means you have to tow 2 rigs around unless you raffle off the pumpkin at next years Truckhaven run...heh heh heh.

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