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Photos Back from Truckhaven 2003 - Photos

and Kevin (not Diff Whack, the other one) you are still a wussy for not taking your rig out Sunday..He He.

offroadkc - Emmy says, "Sit down and shutup!".
All this love brings tears to my eyes. :fart:

:afro: <----- This should be renamed to the Johnstone smile.

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did anyone get pics of the stocker run?

Great pics!!!

Thanks for the pics Tim. One thing for sure... I have to get a Digital Camera, and force :) someone to ride shotgun/nav. with me to shoot some pics.

who say's X's roll easy:D


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Hey Keven, when'd you get the new bumper?

Originally posted by TwoToneX
Hey Keven, when'd you get the new bumper?
Jared, Kevin has resorted to running into people to get new things for the truck. He uses the insurance money to buy new stuff for it.

Who's giving who the strap?

Hmmmm, Can you tell who is giving who the strap?

Givin Dannyboy's aka 'Strapboys' reputation at truckhaven, he may be getting the strap off the relatively flat surface. And Jefe just wanted some challenge, so he positioned himself on the apex of a hill.


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Re: Who's giving who the strap?

Originally posted by Johnstone
Hmmmm, Can you tell who is giving who the strap?

Givin Dannyboy's aka 'Strapboys' reputation at truckhaven, he may be getting the strap off the relatively flat surface. And Jefe just wanted some challenge, so he positioned himself on the apex of a hill.
Noone was sopposed to get a pic of that. :shoot: :D

I was just testing out my gas tank skid plate fully. And Dannyboy was nice enough to return a favor; strap for strap.

Nice photos!!

Now I'm about to cry, cuz the AZ run may not for sure happen for me... I will have to see if I can come up with some $$.... I'm going to San Diego for a job fair next week :(

How about the video clips???
I sent a couple of digi vids that were sorta ok to Rick.
As for the other stuff I barely got it on VHS from Rob cause he can barely work his VCR.

Kevin has resorted to running into people to get new things for the truck. He uses the insurance money to buy new stuff for it.
To clarify Mr. :afro: my wife is the one that has a fetish for running over Cameros.

And thanks for noticing Dotester It's good to know you care.


OK, I finally uploaded my photos from the T-haven run.
you can find them in the off road section of the elite explorers photo gallery.

Nice shots David. This one does a pretty good job of showing the steepness of that descent!

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That was a pretty crazy area!

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ok, i had the pics up but now i'm having technical difficulties, i'll get them back up soon.
