Anyone have a 70MM (or 75MM )Throttle Body to sell that is already setup to work on my 2000 Limited 5.0L - do not want to lose cruise control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have a 70MM (or 75MM )Throttle Body to sell that is already setup to work on my 2000 Limited 5.0L - do not want to lose cruise control


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
Anyone have a 70MM or 75MM Throttle Body to sell that is already setup to work on my 2000 Limited 5.0L - do not want to lose cruise control.

My understanding is some of the ones out there require some modifications to work on our Explorers. Hoping someone might have one for sale that is already setup and ready to go.

Thanks in advance.

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You should opt for a 75mm size, for a supercharged engine it needs more air. The elbow is not very big, around 65mm, so yes it's a compromise. I had my elbow ported but they didn't enlarge it much, that's very hard to do.

You should opt for a 75mm size, for a supercharged engine it needs more air. The elbow is not very big, around 65mm, so yes it's a compromise. I had my elbow ported but they didn't enlarge it much, that's very hard to do.
Would 75MM really work (or matter) because isn't the inlet of the intake smaller than 75mm?? I can't remember if I saw that info in an old post or not.

I just want to make sure I do not lose my cruise control functionality. I read in an old thread that the people who modified mustang TBs had this issue. Not sure if that is true or not.

The Mustang TB is the best choice for these, and the arm does have to be modified for the two cables. I hadn't read of CC issues, there maybe 2-3 here who have done it, many years ago.

For an engine pulling in 40% more air, the intake parts need to be that much larger. So ideally the air inlet pipe, TB, elbow, and intake manifold should all be made larger, swapped, or ported. Of course you can't achieve an even perfect airflow gain among all of those. But each one you make bigger, does help. The elbow is the biggest restriction. The TB is easy to change, and a 75mm costs the same as a 70 or 65, while a 90mm would cost a good bit more(less used also). The intake manifold could use porting, you've read about that no doubt. I'm almost sure I will send one to Junkyard Dogs or whatever the name is, they are big on Facebook IIRC. They are the most feasible, about $250 for upper and lower, more for major porting I'm sure.

The Mustang TB is the best choice for these, and the arm does have to be modified for the two cables. I hadn't read of CC issues, there maybe 2-3 here who have done it, many years ago.

For an engine pulling in 40% more air, the intake parts need to be that much larger. So ideally the air inlet pipe, TB, elbow, and intake manifold should all be made larger, swapped, or ported. Of course you can't achieve an even perfect airflow gain among all of those. But each one you make bigger, does help. The elbow is the biggest restriction. The TB is easy to change, and a 75mm costs the same as a 70 or 65, while a 90mm would cost a good bit more(less used also). The intake manifold could use porting, you've read about that no doubt. I'm almost sure I will send one to Junkyard Dogs or whatever the name is, they are big on Facebook IIRC. They are the most feasible, about $250 for upper and lower, more for major porting I'm sure.
So which 75mm throttle body would you recommend? Maybe someone who has done this can chime in regarding their experience and any potential issues with the cruise control not working. Is there a larger compatible elbow that you know of I should be looking for?

Accufab is the preferred best brand, on the Corral those sell used for near $200. So a new one for $50 or more extra is almost worth it. Any Fox Mustang TB should be equally able to adapt the lever of, and there are lower level brands for sure.

Accufab is the preferred best brand, on the Corral those sell used for near $200. So a new one for $50 or more extra is almost worth it. Any Fox Mustang TB should be equally able to adapt the lever of, and there are lower level brands for sure.
Thanks Don. I'll keep looking to see what I can find out there..

Try and ask Tim, he may have changed his TB since remaking his supercharger system. See his thread and maybe you can tell if he reused his old TB, or has it as part of the old set of parts he's selling.

Older Cruise control used in conjunction with a speedometer cable and gear system would be effected. I have had no problems with mine, running a 75mm T-body. I bought here: Mustang Throttle Bodies | AmericanMuscle

Older Cruise control used in conjunction with a speedometer cable and gear system would be effected. I have had no problems with mine, running a 75mm T-body. I bought here: Mustang Throttle Bodies | AmericanMuscle
My Truck is a 2000 Limited. Would this mean it would have a problem or no? Which TB at that link would you reccomend?

Thank You

BBK is a decent brand, that's the only one there I recognized. Check with Summit, they will probably have many choices, the Fox Mustang is the best to convert, as others have done it and there might be a wright up here some place. That's the 87-93 Mustang 302's. Those use a common TPS and you'll need that, and convert the OEM connector to adapt it. I altered a TPS and made it fit into the 75mm TB I bought. That was a bit more trouble than I expected, I might just use a Fox TPS sensor and alter the stock wiring.

No problem with cruise control in a 2000 and an aftermarket throttle body. I have a 2000 5.0 supercharged with a 75mm t-body. The EGR is different and I still need to work that out............................I need to look-up what I bought from American Muscle.

This is what I am running with their (SR) EGR block. SR Performance Mustang 75mm Throttle Body 41101 (86-93 5.0L)

The problem comes in using the factory throttle cable and bracket w/mustang throttle body. The shaft on the explorer throttle body sits a different distance from the flange than the mustang. So even after modifying the mustang throttle hook up you still have to modify the bracket spacing. It took me a few trys to get my 75mm dialed in

The problem comes in using the factory throttle cable and bracket w/mustang throttle body. The shaft on the explorer throttle body sits a different distance from the flange than the mustang. So even after modifying the mustang throttle hook up you still have to modify the bracket spacing. It took me a few trys to get my 75mm dialed in
Any info on how to make those adjustments? Thank you

No problem with cruise control in a 2000 and an aftermarket throttle body. I have a 2000 5.0 supercharged with a 75mm t-body. The EGR is different and I still need to work that out............................I need to look-up what I bought from American Muscle.

This is what I am running with their (SR) EGR block. SR Performance Mustang 75mm Throttle Body 41101 (86-93 5.0L)

That TB has a cool feature, it looks like it has a built in TPS adjustment on it.

That TB has a cool feature, it looks like it has a built in TPS adjustment on it.
I used that feature. It is a solid T-body, no issues but I have only 3,200 miles on it.

i did mine a few years ago using a accufab throttle body, and also made a elbow for it as well (throttle body is a 75mm, i made the elbow to fit a 80mm, and bolt into the stock location, and egr is also in the stock spot).

that is how i did the throttle body. if i remember correctly the cables were also in the same spot, but because i made my own elbow, i did have to cut one part of the bracket.

thats how i did the elbow

Thanks for those links Tim, he can use them to follow, to alter a TB for his truck.

Thanks for those links Tim, he can use them to follow, to alter a TB for his truck.
Yes, thanks very much. But at 1st glance didn't see how you did the elbow. I'll need to look closer perhaps when I'm at a computer.

Thank You again!

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what i did was take the stock elbow, and cut three pieces of wood (can use metal, but at the time that was all i had) one is for the base for everything to mount to. the other two pieces i drilled 4 holes to screw them onto the stock elbow. i then screwed them onto the wood to stay in place. i then unbolted the stock elbow from them, and then screwed two plates to it. one on the throttle body side, the other on the side of the intake. i then laid a piece of mandrel bent 90 degree pipe over it to figure out how much i had to cut off. once i did that, i took the 2 plates out of the wood, slid the pipe into the opening of the plates, then bolted it back into the wood and did a few tac welds. once i knew it wouldnt move, i unbolted it from the wood, and finished welding it. did the same thing when i added the egr opening. cleaned all the welds off, and used some JB weld (which also helps if you have pin holes) over the welded parts. sanded it, then had it pained.
