Azusa Canyon, CA Mud Boggggg!!!--12/26/03 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Azusa Canyon, CA Mud Boggggg!!!--12/26/03

Josh S.

can't kick the habit
January 19, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Seabeck, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 sport 4x4
Hey guys sorry for the late notice, but myself and a couple others are going out to Azusa Canyon in San Bernadino (I think) to take advantage of all this rain and do some mad bogging/ watch other trucks get stuck. We should be heading out there probly around 10-11am, so let us know if ya wanna go! I don't know where the hell the place is, but I can find out...I'm just following my buddies there. Lets bog!!

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There is a $5 donation to get into the canyon on weekends and holidays, but it is alledgedly super cool. btw, according to the Azusa Canyon Offroaders Association , there is a endangered species in the area, the Santa Ana Sucker Fish. They state that we need to be kind to the area, by making 90 degree water crossings, stay on the designated crossings, and make sure our vehicles aren't leaking fluids. On another note, here's a taste of what Azusa has:


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been there

Kinda fun. More fun to watch everyone get stuck or bring down there brand new truck (still w/ dealer plates) to destroy it. Never been with the Ex, but had some fun with the Ranger when we could sneek it down (no 2wd aloud):rolleyes:

Tight trip!!

Good stuff, lotta mud, but still some rocks to play with in the riverbeds. Saw a brand new F150 FX4 headed in when we were bailing, and only 1 other was a stocker 2nd Gen.

We found a couple real fun places...I went head first into a bigass hole and almost got stuck, but it was worth it. Then the other guys didn't get a pic of it so I had to romp through it again:D

My buddy with a Hummer H1 showed us around the basin, and he sure romped that thing hard too! He pulled out a couple Jeeps too, haha

Anyways, I took some 35mm pics, but they will email me their digital files soon so I can post em up to show everyone what they missed out on!:D

I would have shown up

Josh but I don't have my 4x4 right now. I lost the Trans on monday so she's gettin fixed still. The 4x2 wouldn't gone anywhere and my wife would be too happy going to her couins wedding tomorrow with her truck full of mud..wait.. That would have rocked!:bounce:

By the way we should set up a official fun run for here one day. And if the stocker want to come they can. Rincon short cut is right there to for some trail stuff. It's pretty light though.:rolleyes:

Josh, DUDE there is a kid up here in Yucca Vally with a 4 door that I keep thinking is you. I seen him on the I-10 tonight as we were coming back from Big Bear. Anyways I am glad you had fun in the Canyon, DB-1 keeps telling me I need to check it out. He also tells me I will get stuck atleast one time there.

Cant wait to see those pics bro.

I wish we had pictures of Josh getting stuck down in Mexico with his big, lifted Explorer sinking fast in the mud. I had to shovel him out, but, it was a blast still. I wish we had pictures of that...:(


I'd have more fun there if I was locked but it's still cool to watch all the bufoonery at the mud pit. Last time I was there I got stuck in what i thought was an "innocent" looking mud hole...riiiight!. I sunk down to my hubs and was floating. I waved down an older suburban with 38" or 39" tires to give me a tug. After he
pulled me out he decides he's gonna try the same hole and HE gets I said sorry man, I don't think my Ranger is gonna pull out you're Sub. Another fullsize came to his rescue though.

Stic-O - yah we'll hafta get together for a local run with all the SoCalers out there

Felix - You would enjoy the'll see what I mean after da pics:)

Ken - yah too bad I deleted those photos...I was just thinking about that the other day:(


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oh sh*t that looks so awesome....thanks for the call (j/k i was working anyways), nice pics tho.....we definately need to get a group run over there.

Where's all the Mud? Your truck still looks clean!
Or did you decide it was more fun to play in the lake and streams?

This is what your truck is sopposed to look like:



yah the truck is purty darn muddy right now in my driveway...musta took the pics right after I hosed it down in the stream:D

Ken-everything worked great and I was happy with that. I almost lost it when I was in that hole in that picture, but just gassed the heck outta it and it pulled us out. I t was sure a thrill!!

white96x-sorry dude, it was short notice...maybe you should just check the board more often:D j/k, place aint to far away from your pad either, just shoot over on the 210 and youre there...

however, I'm not sure about 2wd access to the OHV area...I've heard some people w/o 4x4 get hassled:(

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however, I'm not sure about 2wd access to the OHV area
Ok here's how it goes ..

Only 4x4 are alound in, BUT! What you do is park 2wd in the parking lot. at about 4-430 they close the gate to the parking lot to let people in, then take off (RANGERS) then you jump in and bring your truck on down. O'yeah or you can get a green sticker form DMV and they let you in with a 2wd.

Jeff- That picture is nothing! I have a picture somewhere arround here that my 2wd ranger that was compleatly grey. You can't see one spec of the dk blue paint.:p
