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Return From Azusa Canyon 11-11-07

yup sure am been driving it 40 miles round trip to and from work and everywhere else in between

and also been driving it with one missing shock and no sway bar
every trip is a adventure;)

any body got a brake line set they wanna donate to me???

I do have a stock set in the back of the truck again.. I haven't picked up spare lines that I can use (longer lines).

I'll be heading over there this week for longer lines. If you want I can pick you up a set.. I'm pretty sure I will be at TH thanksgiving weekend.. worst cast I can mail them to ya. It would cost you the cost of the brake lines + $5 for shipping.


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I do have a stock set in the back of the truck again.. I haven't picked up spare lines that I can use (longer lines).

I'll be heading over there this week for longer lines. If you want I can pick you up a set.. I'm pretty sure I will be at TH thanksgiving weekend.. worst cast I can mail them to ya. It would cost you the cost of the brake lines + $5 for shipping.


Sounds good lemme know when u find em and then we'll figure out how to get em out here:thumbsup:

wish i was'nt having the financail problems i am having right now other wise i would have already bought new ones.:(

I might be interested in these too Maniak, if you don't mind. Would they work on a 2nd gen? And of course i gotta know how much they run. I don't need these in any hurry though.

[thread hijack]These won't work on a 2nd gen. These will actually only work on a 91/92 (RABS only).

If I take in a brake line they can build me one so it should be possible to get a set for a 2nd Gen.

I use Earles (Holley) brake lines with fittings on the ends to make it fit right. Cheaper and seem to last longer than the Russel ones I had before. They are NOT DOT approved, but I don't mind.

If I had a 2nd Gen one to take with me I could ask them how much it would cost but I can get a ballpark when I'm down there (when I get the right kind for an Early 1st Gen).

If I remember correctly, I got all 3 (two front one rear) for < $100 (been a few years since I bought a set so don't hold me to that)


[/thread hijack]

Thanks for the response. I'll just wait on this till i actually need longer brake lines.
