ball joint boot source | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ball joint boot source


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2009
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2000 v8
I am looking for ball joint boot source, current Moog have disintegrated. no I dont need to replace the ball joints still tight and just aligned. From past experience moog boots have this issue of not lasting....

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Lower boots? Still not sure for uppers.

Energy Suspension 9.13130 or Prothane 191724.

I was never able to find uppers

I don't know the measurements but if you can get/DIY measure them, Moog has a list of some that may or may not include what you need.

It's a shame that BJ manufacturers don't bother to list boot dimensions and offer direct replacements, but if you have the part # of the original, I might try contacting Moog to ask what size the boot is, or if your place of purchase was an authorized dealer able to do warranty replacement, and has same part # still, get the new BJs and swap the boot from new to yours, then return new BJ and old boot for credit back, if they'll do an advance RMA replacement or maybe not even want the *old* parts back if you present a picture of the shot boot?

If the lower BJ, I assume it is the old style typical looking boot design (two generations ago, see below both newer generations), not the newer design lower BJ with the recessed/integrated/low-profile/whatever boot? AFAIK the newer style boot can't be replaced, but maybe that was just an assumption on my part, or maybe I don't remember them well enough and an old style boot could still be put on over, a shot new style boot?

Hmm, just noticed that it looks like Moog "might" have redesigned the lower BJ boot again. Pic on rock auto now (left side) vs pic of what I bought 4-5 years ago (right side) from Rock Auto, both part # K8695T:

Moog K8695T BJ New VS Old.jpg

I’m ditching my Moogs. I replaced my upper joints and the boots arrived torn. Kept returning, kept getting torn boots in the box. I decided to run them as-is. Brand new joints with brand new wrecked boots. I just grease them compulsively.

Moog has ZERO customer service. They direct you to the point of sale.

Mevotech is where I’m going next. I’ve spent many thousands on Moog parts over the years, and they won’t see another cent of my money.

^ I wonder if using marine grease would help, though still not good to get saltwater up in there from my winter roads.
