Big Bear in May... | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear in May...

As of 4:55pm today

Butler 2 Fire - Road, Trail and Recreational Facility Closures.
Butler Peak Lookout
Hanna Flat Trail
Hanna Flat Campground
Grays Peak Group Campground
Ironwood Group Campground
Little Bear Springs Trail Camp
1W05 Grays Peak Trail & Trailhead
1W06 Grays Peak
2N06X Lower Larga Flat
2N13 Snowslide and spur roads / Trails
3N11 Wright Mine
3N14 Coxey and spur roads/trails closed at 3N12 north of Fawnskin to 3N16 at Big Pine Flats.
3N17 White Mountain
3N93 Holcomb Creek
Pacific Crest Trail - Big Bear Area- The PCT will remain closed from the 3N16/Holcomb Creek crossing on the west side (approx. 2 miles northeast of Crab Flats), to 2N09 (Polique Canyon Rd.) . Little Bear Springs trail camp is closed to public use, due to Butler 2 Fire. A PCT trail reroute is being developed.

Grass Valley Fire - Road Closures

2N34 Tunnel Two from Junction of 2N37 to Fairway Drive
2N34A Tunnel Two Spur from Sonoma Road to 2N34

Slide Fire - Road, Trail and Recreational Facility Closures

2W07 from 3N34 Junction to Fisherman’s Campground
Fredalba Trail from Forest boundary
2N12X, 2W12 - OHV connector route (parallels 3N16 near Crab Flats)
2N13 Snow Slide from Green Valley Campground to Fawnskin (3N14) (overlap Butler 2 closure)
2N13D Crafts Peak from intersection with 2N13 to Crafts Peak
2N16 Green Valley Campground from the Green Valley Campground to its terminus
2N19 Little Green Valley (including spurs 2N19A, 2N19B, and 2N19C) from intersection with Green Valley Lake Road near Camp Cedar Crest to Meadow Lane near the Green Valley Campground
2N23 Allison Ranch Road from SR18 to the Scout Ranch (this is an administrative access road)
2N54 (from 3N16 to 2N13)
Green Valley Campground

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I can confirm Holcolm creek and White Mtn. As of two days ago, both had yellow tape and/or county vehicles effectively (and appropriately) blocking the trailheads.

Still had a lot of fun (foolishly) exploring an unmarked and infrequently traveled mining road though :thumbsup:

Was White mtn. blocked at the bottom, middle, or the top? I could have sworn the bottom half was open last time I was by there...

Hmmm...I might need to make a quick pre-run on the way home from work tomorrow.

Both Holcomb and White mtn were blocked at the bottom. Sorry, but I didn't check either from the other side. Might be able to drive through there some time before the run, though. If you're planning to check it out, let me know.

Probably just going to run the east side of the closure from Fawnskin down to Apple Valley. It'll depend on what time I get off tomorrow, but if I decide to do it on a day off I'll let you know.:thumbsup:

I am happy to report that the lower half of White mtn. (3N17) is in fact still open, and that the runoff from the winter rain/snow seems to have added a little more character to the trails...:thumbsup:

Only 7 days and a wake up.:D

...didn't we do the white mountain trail a while back??? the reason i ask, i thought we were able to do the whole run...:scratch:...was part of it closed then and did we not do the whole trail???...just curious as i thought it was open then...:D

We did the lower (easier) half back on the Jan. run with my triple strap. The upper half was/is closed from the Butler II fire.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't ever run the top part with my X...:confused:

On a side note today was my last workday in BB until next winter. We're opening up our station down in Lucerne Valley on Sunday. The main reason I'm so excited is it's going to cut my commute by over half. It's going to be nice to only have to fill up once a week again...

...i just didn't remember any closure on that trail...btw, how is the f250 doing???

We didn't see the gate because we turned off at the the mid point and went back down to 3N16.

The 250 is dirty, but doing fine. so far only put about 100 miles on it since it's been here. Plans are still in the works though, just waiting for some extra cash to start coming in...:thumbsup:

Sounds Great:thumbsup: 9:30 it is

Im up in Big Bear This weekend, will you be up this weekend Kenneth?

Sorry, no I won't. I'm off today, but I have a lot of catch up work to do around the house since I've worked the last 12 straight days. Tomorrow will be our first day back down at my station in the desert, so we'll just have to wait until next weekend.

I'm thinking that will be the best bet...It's the only place that is somewhat central to the area.

How does 9:30am sound to everyone?

Sounds good to me :thumbsup:

Updated the first post...

and a little teaser...


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I was just reminded that my oldest daughters first holy communion is the 3rd. Im not exactly religious but its not something i can just blow off lol. So im out, hopefully ill see you guys in Pismo...

Just a thought...

I would also like to add that traditionally we partake in some sort of sit down dinner after our runs, and with the number of people attending I might need to make a reservation somewhere. So if you would like to join us please pm me with the number of guests you're likely to bring, as well as any special requests so I can do my best to accommodate everybody.

i don't think i would be attending dinner :( casue if i make this run i have get home kinda early to give my sister a ride somewhere (maybe like 5 or 6pm) so depends on how late the trail runs go.

this trip is this weekend huh?man i haven't even touched the nav since t-haven. so things that need to be done by then: driver side mirror, new springs, raise the front, fix passenger seat sliders :rolleyes:

...since this is on saturday, i will do my best to be there...i have 5 days of work i need to get done in 4 days, change a tranny line on the X, and get to the bank...:eek:

...the ranger won't make this trip as i need to find some time to fix what i found this morning...the front of the bed by the cab, is now seperated on both sides at least 1/4" each side and my shell is holding it was just the drivers side originally...i just don't know what made this happen, lol...:rolleyes:

ted, i know why your car broke. it's a ford

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...all i know is if it were a chevy, it would be dead...:p:
