BLIS Adjustment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BLIS Adjustment


Active Member
September 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Erie, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 XLT
I've had my 2013 XLT for about 3 months now and really the only issue I have is the BLIS system. Anything sets it off, if they forget to mow the grass on the interstate it goes off, if I drive by a guardrail it sets it off. I had into the dealer for Pa State inspection, and asked them to adjust it so it wasn't tripping off of everything. Much to my surprise they told me that it was not adjustable just on or off. They offered to turn it off for my, and I declined as this was one of the reasons I purchased this explorer. I thought I read in the manual that it was adjustable, am I totally off my rocker or is this adjustable?


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When we took my wifes new Fusion with BLIS for a test drive, I kept saying "Oh, look, there's a guardrail next to us... there's a telephone pole next to us... there's a _________ next to us." It picks up anything and everything.

The BLIS indicator that goes off on nearby roadside objects is usually the one on the passenger side. As the driver I don't even notice it if I'm driving down the road. I will look at it when passing someone, in which case I normally use the small convex mirror I stuck on the outside mirrors or if I'm driving through town on a multi-lane road. The BLIS is nice to have but I put my faith in those small mirrors.
As JDraper said, they can't be adjusted for sensitivity. Only ON or OFF.


On or off that's the choice, when towing my TTrailer I turn it off, they both stay on if I tow.

Looks like I am going to have to live with it, after reading the manual again, it makes sense as to why it is not adjustable.

On or off that's the choice, when towing my TTrailer I turn it off, they both stay on if I tow.
If your trailer is wider than your Explorer then the fact the BLIS stays on would make sense since the trailer would be within that side zone 10' behind the bumper.
If it was the same width as the EX, you likely wouldn't have the problem.
At least the option is there for you to turn it off. I guess it would be very annoying at night.

