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Bolts For Torsion Bar

hmm.. you know i dont know.. i thought be maybe miss read that 100 was stock length

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zhanx your a god. thanks man. havent had much luck findin one out here in vancouver.

ill google it up.

Store Code: BCVAN
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C9

311 West 2nd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C9
P: (604)876-2658
F: (604)876-7727

nevermind, found there store here. beat me to it

im going to order the 130mm long this too long? Also is it threaded all the way?

yes it is if you use my link.. need to find the stock size give me a minute

100 is a longer botl then stock and the length you should get

ok, then 100 mm it is.

I think the ones I bought were 100mm??


GJarrett said:
A 5"TT might - and I emphasize might - be possible. I have a full 2"TT and still have a few inches of droop left now that I have longer shocks. I have noted that I seem to have more droop than others who do the TT so there are obviously some individual vehicle tolerance parameters that allow different limits.

However, I guaran-damn-tee you there is no droop at all left by 5" and I second Rick's opinion that something is gonna hurt soon. Also the ride would be horrendous with all downtravel removed from the suspension.

You have at least a 100mm bolt. I also cannot remember the exact length of mine but yours may even be 120mm to do what you did. Either one is a long bolt, now subjected to massive pressure from the excess stress of the new extended length from the fulcrum point. Make sure you have the highest grade metric bolt equal to Grade 8 english or stronger (I believe it is called 10.9 in metric grade, but may be wrong). It will be operating fulltime on the very ragged edge of a CV joint's 22 or 23 degree angle limit. And the upper control arm will be sitting and hitting on the frame constantly. Carry a spare CV, torsion bar, and adjuster bolt along with the necessary tools or risk getting stranded at any time. How many miles have you run this mod? Is it all on the street?

Alec, you have to grind and round the bolts like drw18 did in order to mate to the female concave rest that the bolt presses against. Buy a $1 Ford torsion adjuster bolt and notice the rounded end. I had to buy a longer bolt to get a full 2" TT and the first one I didn't grind. I just tried to screw it in, and it promptly broke in half from the pressure. This was a bolt of the highest metric grade. The threads will try to tap into the iron of the stop and something will break. It is made to swirl in smoothly, and that requires a rounded end. I took the next one I bought and rounded it off with a grinding wheel and then dabbed some synthetic grease on the newly-rounded end before cranking it into place.

make sure you do that to the bolt to make it work right.

and i edited my first post for 100mm bolts that are full thread bolts.. and i am ordering them :)

just the end of the bolt that has to be grided? Im assuming the bolt that is currently in my truck has it pretty much just copy that rounding part. if thats the case good buy to my 1" tt lift and say hello to 2".

100mm was too long for my pass, and good enough for the drivers side. Both fenders are sitting at 35.75in. Pass side is using stock TT bolt. You dont have to grind with the fastenol bolt....well i didnt and it didnt break or thread or anything just raised the truck. Youll see what hes talking about

too replace the bolt do i just jack the truck up and turn the bolt till it comes out?

we'll see i am gonna give it a try today if i get time

When changing the bolt all you do is back the old one out and replace with the new? I did TT and shackles today and the front is still a little low only got about 1.75 inchs out of them.

I tried to order a pair of bolts, but Fastenal sent me back an e-mail saying they were sending me a bag of 25 for $85. Needless to say I don't want or need 25 of these dang bolts. Has anyone else ran into this problem?

When changing the bolt all you do is back the old one out and replace with the new? do you replace the torsion bolt?


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