camshaft position sensor issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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camshaft position sensor issue


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November 5, 2013
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Romeoville il.
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1998 ford explorer 5.0
i have a explorer 5.0 with 106k and have the code for bad camshaft position sensor. i am wondering why when looking this topic up when this code comes up people change the sensor and synchronizer. why wouldnt you just change the sensor and be done. the synchronizer is a hard part and i believe isnt wearable at 100k ... or am i wrong?

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because the sensor on top of the syncro usually comes apart, aka the magnet falls out and mangles the flag on top of the syncro...thus requiring a new syncro and sensor

easy to take the syncro out and check how worn out it is, if the bearing is bad it can move the flag enough that it would break the sensor apart...tight clearance in there

the sensor on top may just need to be cleaned

Before you spend money on parts, check the battery voltage with engine running - you should have some 14.2-14.5V.
I had found out that, in my case (and others here on site), a bad alternator will compromise the sensor reading.

Synchronizer is also driving the oil pump, via a small shaft. If that breaks while driving (because of wear of the connecting pin), the instant loss of oil pressure is guaranteed to destroy the engine. So... your choice. Just don't use Dorman part - it was a sticky here about that, but now is buried somewhere.

The cps can be changed alone. My trucks synchronized has 180k miles on it and it's fine. So I your cps is the offender, only change it.

thanks for help

i will check the voltage and clean sensor first. i will look close at synchronizer guys thanks

I'm also getting the code for CPS and am wondering where the heck it's at first off.

Like I said above, check the voltage on battery first (engine running). They are sensitive to bad alternators...

I believe it's where the distributor used to be.

Yep, under the ignition coil packs.



I'm also getting the code for CPS and am wondering where the heck it's at first off.

CPS is the Crankshaft Position Sensor. CMS is the Camshaft Position Sensor. Which code are you asking about? The CMS is described above. The CPS is next to the crank pulley on the lower right side.

CPS is the Crankshaft Position Sensor. CMS is the Camshaft Position Sensor. Which code are you asking about? The CMS is described above. The CPS is next to the crank pulley on the lower right side.

Yeah just the camshaft position sensor, bout to check it out soon to see what's going on with it. Hope it's just the sensor and gotta get my hands on a voltmeter as well before just throwing parts at it.

Thanks for the link to that thread too.

Yeah just the camshaft position sensor, bout to check it out soon to see what's going on with it. Hope it's just the sensor and gotta get my hands on a voltmeter as well before just throwing parts at it.

Thanks for the link to that thread too.

use a long 1/4" extension with a swivel on the end, 5.5mm socket to get the 2 little screws that hold the sensor to the synch unit. Usually it is very apparent if the sensor is bad once you take a look. ;)

Usually it is a mess of mangled parts inside.

use a long 1/4" extension with a swivel on the end, 5.5mm socket to get the 2 little screws that hold the sensor to the synch unit. Usually it is very apparent if the sensor is bad once you take a look. ;)

Usually it is a mess of mangled parts inside.

Thank you for the info. Hoping to check it out on my days off this week.

use a long 1/4" extension with a swivel on the end, 5.5mm socket to get the 2 little screws that hold the sensor to the synch unit. Usually it is very apparent if the sensor is bad once you take a look. ;)

Usually it is a mess of mangled parts inside.

So glad I FINALLY got this done and yes the sensor was mangled. A friend from work who used to work at a Ford dealership helped me do it and he did it in no time like it was nothing. But no more chirping and I feel better knowing the synchro drive has been replaced with a new sensor too.


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My phone won't let me upload them all together so I gotta make a separate post for each pic


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The new motorcraft synchro drive


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