carputer idea | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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carputer idea


March 27, 2006
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'96 xlt
here's what i've picked out so far plus i'd add a small(7-10") touchscreen lcd and an odbII reader to plug into my vehicle. the only software on this thing would be whichever gui interface for the touchscreen, the o/s, the odbII
software, gps software and use it as storage for mp3's. oh and a dc dc power unit. i'll completely remove the factory sound headunit and run the sound from this thru an amp then on to the speakers. all the hardware needs to be able to mount in my center console(in my ford explorer). Any suggestions,
whatcha think?

i've noticed some of yall like to newb bash, so go ahead as long as there's some constructive criticim too...

thx cheers

oh and for the console install i'll prolly come up with a lexan tray to mount the components in the center console...and i'm tryin to think up a way to suspend the tray in the console so that it will absorb some of the shock and reduce vibrations

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The site is a good resource for carputers. I considered getting one but ended up with just a regular 7" monitor. That site has a nice for sale forum where you could buy a complete used system for a lot less. Check it out

BTW: 200th Post!!! :) :) :)

that's where i've been doing my homework, i thought i'd throw the idea out here...oh and i'll be changing the slot cd rom to a slot dvdrom

What do you guys do about cooling when the car is off? I've thought of building a car-computer from parts i have laying around but I think sitting in a parking lot around here it wouldnt last long.

Electric equiptment can stand pretty hot temperatures, i wouldnt think thered be a problem, on the contrary cold weather is a bigger problem from what i hear. I know 2 people who run car computers, and the one thing you must do to have a good running system is spend the money for it. So many people buy the cheapest parts because they cant afford them at the time, in the long run its not worth it.

I must say i do like your wish list, what kind of case are you putting this in? As for vibrations to the drive i am in doubt that will be a problem, they survive in laptops dont forget :p. If you getting a touch screen somewere around $400 - $500 canadian is usually good, anything less and your usually in for crap.

i'm thinking about going caseless, well kinda, since i wanna mount it in my center console i think i'll make a u-shaped lexan plate, and cut out the lexan i dont need for mounting so the thing can breath. i'd prolly then mount a small metel rail samwiched beteen the lexan and components which i run a ground wire from body to rail so that all components were easily grounded(i'm still not sure if i need to do this part). and for vibration damper i was thinking suspending the lexan case from a rail frame around the outside....this would pick the unit up(airflow underneath) and protect against major jolts.(and to keep it from swinging i'd use 4 springs up top (one in each corner) and 2 or 3 on bottom...make both top and bottom secure while suspended

sound good? i'm still not sure if i need to do it but it might look cool

I dont know, ive heard nothing but good about them. Perhaps you can go Pentium M, they demand very little power, and run very cool. AOPEN has an interesting board out.

I cant say i agree about celerons, avoid them if possible. Never heard a problem with the VIA chips yet, but you never know, they should run cool and are fine for media. If your agaisnt them then go for an Aopen Socket 479 Motherboard with a Pentium M cpu.

Heres the link to one of the boards.
Uses a Core duo or Core solo cpu, and DDR 2 SO-DIMMS.

i chose the via for its size...remember this is going in the center console...,ability, power usage, and operating temp

oh and at they come highly recommended by a large grp of people

Via's board is mini ITX (Flex ATX) as is Aopens, if you do want better performance (which really doesnt matter for your application) The aopen board is about 6 3/4"x 6 3/4".
