Change your clocks tonight. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Change your clocks tonight.

I don't like to drive in the dark, but that's a great price to pay to have daylight at home.

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"Spring forward, Fall backward. Hmm, doesn't seem much like spring here, nor daylight savings time.


only read the first post and thought why havent i been late for anything if i should have put my clock ahead 5 days ago? Thanks

I had to go into work last night at 2am just to turn the clocks ahead. Hour drive each way and only took 20min. to change the time I needed too, three hours overtime that I gladly took. I take care of the medical equipment at a hospital so I had to change time on all life support equipment right at 2am rest I can get on monday. You think it's a pain changing a few clocks at home try having to change time on over 1000 pieces of equipment, and this is a small hospital.

Does the changing of the clocks effect anyone else?

I changed all the clocks but my watch. So I left at what I thought was 11:30AM to get my daughter at a friends house. I wanted to leave so I could get home in time for tip-off (12:30) of the ACC tournament because my team (DUKE) was playing. But I was really leaving at 12:30... I wound up missing ONE HOUR of the game! Oh well, Duke won anyway! :thumbsup:

WHY DO YOU KEEP STEALING THAT HOUR FROM ME! Seriously, every fall I manage to take it back from those greedy government pigs, and then they take it back away from me in the spring....

Honestly though, DST is such an outdated idea anyways.

How long has it been since we moved the times a week or so on each end? I see it's been at least five years.

I wish we could work out the school times, and shift the time forward about an hour more throughout the year. Winter sucks when it gets dark not long after most people get home from work.

Except Hawaii and Arizona;)

..Well...:scratch:...There is that "Daylight Saving Time Doughnut in Arizona"..:D

...In Northern Arizona The Hopi Indians are on Arizona time...They are surrounded on all sides by the Navajo Nation which are on Mountain time..

The Navajo Nation, however, includes parts of two states that do observe summer time. Rather than putting neighboring Navajo communities on two different clocks, the reservation has elected to adopt daylight saving time even though most of their land lies within Arizona. It’s the only part of Arizona that changes its clocks in the summer. But here’s the tricky part: The Navajo nation completely surrounds the smaller Hopi Reservation, which is entirely within Arizona. The Hopi, like the rest of Arizona, have no reason to switch to daylight saving time, so they don’t. The Arizona portion of the Navajo Nation is, therefore, sometimes called the Daylight Saving Donut: a ring of noon surrounded both outside and inside by 11 a.m.

..But for Arizona in General with DST...

Arizona hasn’t observed Daylight Saving Time since 1967, mostly due to energy conservation. Giving Arizonans more sunlight in the summer is like donating water to the passengers aboard the sinking Titanic: They’ve already got plenty, thanks. Arizona saves millions of dollars in cooling costs by staying on Mountain Standard Time year-round.

Arizona saves millions of dollars in cooling costs by staying on Mountain Standard Time year-round.

And our dumb ass state wastes that and more by sending our kids to school in the beginning of August!! They open the schools during the hottest days of the year for NO good reason. APS sure loves it... nothing like having to run thousands of A/C units during peak demand.

Thanks for the reminder... We don't observe daylight savings time so it's always nice to hear when everyone else is making the change. That way I don't call people at weird times :D

Thanks for the reminder... We don't observe daylight savings time so it's always nice to hear when everyone else is making the change. That way I don't call people at weird times :D

..We observe it but I like to call people at weird times..:D

..But this explains why I've been up for three hours and it's finally cracking dawn..:confused:

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