Class III frame hitch that fits into the existing 1-1/2" hitch? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Class III frame hitch that fits into the existing 1-1/2" hitch?

My 2002 XLT came with the light duty towing package that utilizes a 1-1/2" square receiver. I seem to remember one of the companies made an aftermarket Class III hitch that fits into the 1-1/2" receiver as well as bolting onto the frame. This avoids having the 2" aftermarket receiver hanging below the existing 1-1/2" receiver. Anyone know of this model and who makes it?

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If you planning to use this just for mounting thing with a 2" reciver hole, such as a bike rack or something. Just about all auto parts stores have a adapder the plugs into your smaller size one, so you can make the other stuff work;)


I just would not tow with it:rolleyes:

No, I've seen those. It's a full Class II hitch for towing I saw.

Try Valley Hitch No. 82430--It bolts on and fits into the 1 1/4 inch receiver, with a plate to somewhat hide the upper mount. Doesn't look too bad.
Bill W

My old 1991 had a 1 1/2 inch hitch, i will look and see if i have the hitch for it still. Are you looking for just the pin, or the ball mount?

For my '04 I found a junkyard Class III hitch for $75 with Wiring. Your '02 should be a bolt on, '06 they started welding them on. It was not much more than an adapter. I also had a bike rack for a Class III and my boat is only 900lbs so its no big deal. Bike rack mounts to an extended drawbar 18" long and then the 2" inch ball.
Your tow limit is still 3200lbs.

Try Valley Hitch No. 82430--It bolts on and fits into the 1 1/4 inch receiver, with a plate to somewhat hide the upper mount. Doesn't look too bad.
Bill W

Been a while I know, but I was wondering if the Valley 82430 let's you use the smaller hitch as well as the new one or is it blocked off?

Thanks, rob

Ben a while I know, but I was wondering if the Valley 82430 let's you use the smaller hitch as well as the new one or is it blocked off?

Thanks, rob

It fits into the class II. I like it because it adds strength to the rear bumper, and it doesn't look too bad. See Photo
Bill W


  • Ex Hitch.jpg
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Thanks for getting back to me, after 8 months even!
I'm going to try it anyway, thanks for your help, best for the holidays.


This isnt what your looking for but i found this pic of the two hitches.


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no offense but those add on hitch bars are hideous. they hang below the bumper. i would just buy a beater truck for towing lol.

no offense but those add on hitch bars are hideous. they hang below the bumper. i would just buy a beater truck for towing lol.

Not all of us have that kind of cash available to buy an alternate tow rig.

Yes, the double-hitch looks weird, but it's functional, not to mention useful. It's possible to put a bike rack in the upper one while still towing a trailer from the lower one, and without compromising the strength, utility, or capability of either hitch. I'd do it if I had to.

edit: Actually, I'd probably have bought an Explorer with the towing package on it already, but that's just me...


While on the subject of tow 2001 Limited came with a tow package but no hitch. I've read somewhere on these forums, if I add one on, to make sure I can still remove my spare tire. I have 16" rims. Do any of you know the type/brand/part number of a hitch that will fit on my Explorer?

Yo! grafxmail, this is your first post and it has to be moderated.

If you can't say anything nice, don't say at all. :nono:
Ray Lobato Moderator

Yea how bout no.... my "beater" is not quite the beater. its in better shape than most cars that old. other than a couple spots of surface rust on the door jam on the drivers side its clean. but hey too each his own.

Not all of us have that kind of cash available to buy an alternate tow rig.

Yes, the double-hitch looks weird, but it's functional, not to mention useful. It's possible to put a bike rack in the upper one while still towing a trailer from the lower one, and without compromising the strength, utility, or capability of either hitch. I'd do it if I had to.

edit: Actually, I'd probably have bought an Explorer with the towing package on it already, but that's just me...


I have a Toyota 4 Runner I use for towing the boat and beating around the woods but want the Ford to ready in case I need it. Didn't need a full tow package hen I bought it and probably still don't, boat and trailer weigh less than 1000#. I mostly want the 2" Class III hitch because evrything else fit's it. I too though of being able to use a bike rack over the trailer.



I went for the Bolt on ClassIII replacement. With a ClassIII they make an extended drawbar, then there is a bike rack to go over the drawbar so you can mount your bikes and tow a light boat too. This only works for '02-'05's

In fact i saw two ClassIII the other day at my local junkyard. They sometime will sell on fleabay, he also ships, although shipping costs on +100lbs might be a bit much.

I actually like the way the Class 3/4's hang low on the trucks.

Its better than having a cut and dry BORING setup going on down there!

I couldn't stand the way the stock hitch looked, so i got rid of it, and just bolted up a class 3/4 tubed hitch, and threw on a 5 inch tongue and flipped it upward, and got a 2 inch ball bolted on....looks pretty cool to me.

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