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clear corners


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January 21, 2002
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Cleveland, Ohio
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'04 XLT
I searched for clear corners but got mostly 2nd gen info. I want to add diamond cut clear corners but there are so many different types and prices. I found these on e-bay but the price seems too good to be true. I hear the worries about yellowing and the difference between "clear" and "diamond." These look like they are diamond but my experience with lights is very limited. Can anyone give me advice or direct me to a reputable source that may be decently priced?

This is the e-bay link:[/URL]

They are from a company called Ace Motorsports

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They look fine. But you can tell the OE Ford Aussy ones by the lack of any kind of reflector or as that company calls it "Diamond Pattern".

Oh, that is a reflector? I guess it would look better if it was 100% clear, without that reflector right?

TX state law requires a reflector on the front of the vehicle (color unspecified :) ) and amber corner lamps. if you want clear bulbs but want to be legal, chekout sylvania silverstar 3157A bulbs ... amber when lit, silver when not.

check w/ your states laws for reflector and lighting requirements ... if you are concerned about staying legal.

I think the bulbs right now are amber so for the time being I could keep the bulbs with the clear corners. Ohio laws are the same so with time I will switch to the silverstar corners, I like the silverstar fronts I have now, what a big difference! My main concern is will these clear corners yellow over time. I live in cleveland so they will be subject to rain snow and sun in no specific order and sometimes at the same time...LOL (the weather sucks here) But the way I look at it is at that price I could get a second or third set for the same price as others listed on e-bay. Also does anyone know the ease of removal and instalation?

i have had clears corners from on both my toyota currently and my old explroer, its been several years, and i have had no yellowing, maintenance liek a good waxing is needed every so often, but from everything i have heard, its the people that completely neglect them that get yellowing

The salt they use on the Cleveland roads will do more harm than the weather its self. I just moved from Euclid so I know what the weathers like there.

I live in Canton, have had clear corners on my 02 since 03. No yellowing at all. I do apply wax here and there, but they're as white as the day I bought them. Ease of installation is as easy as a few screws removed and reinstalled. If I remember the angle was a bit tricky, but still easy nonetheless. I think it might have took all of 10 minutes.

i had ebay clear cornes but recently installed the OEM australian clear corners. they only ran me 115 and they are guaranteed to last as long as your headlight housing by ford. go to ford explorer .net (without all of the spaces, wouldnt let me just type it out) and PM sarek about them. tell him carmen referred you.

EDIT: btw, the ebay clear corners suck. they turned yellow within 2 years for me. i originally had them in my 03 before getting my 05. the OEM's are by far the best choice. they look amazing.

Thanks for the head up, Ill check there!

dannyb420 said:
Thanks for the head up, Ill check there!

no problem. the guy is trustworthy and wont screw you over, so dont worry. im sure that he'll explain that to you.

pimp03explorer said:
i had ebay clear cornes but recently installed the OEM australian clear corners. they only ran me 115 and they are guaranteed to last as long as your headlight housing by ford. go to ford explorer .net (without all of the spaces, wouldnt let me just type it out) and PM sarek about them. tell him carmen referred you.

EDIT: btw, the ebay clear corners suck. they turned yellow within 2 years for me. i originally had them in my 03 before getting my 05. the OEM's are by far the best choice. they look amazing.

but @ $30 a set, you can buy 3-4 pair for the same cost and look every 2 years. after 6-8 years, even those $115 lenses will look yellowed. lens renew is $35 and can fix either lens after they yellow.

Wht Knight said:
but @ $30 a set, you can buy 3-4 pair for the same cost and look every 2 years. after 6-8 years, even those $115 lenses will look yellowed. lens renew is $35 and can fix either lens after they yellow.

mine started to yellow after only a year. i dont keep my vehicles more than 3 years anyways. they are made by ford, so they will last as long as the 3rd gen headlights. aussie explorers come stock with them. its a great investment and they match PERFECTLY. with the ebay corners you can tell the difference. these have no reflectors which also adds to the uniqueness and appearance. to me i wish that i hadnt wasted the 45 bucks on ebay ones and just purchased these.

pimp03explorer said:
they turned yellow within 2 years for me.
pimp03explorer said:
mine started to yellow after only a year.
Pick one.

Anywho, I didn't buy my clears off of ebay, bought them online, don't remember the site, but I'm on my way to 3 years with them, with no yellowing. I spent 40 for the pair I think. Somewhere in there. So, I gotta go with Wht Knight here, if you like the look of the Australian OEM then go for it. Other than that, save your money. Also, I don't know if all, but in most states those clears from Australia are illegal since as said before, you are required to have reflectors

Cdaddy78 said:
Pick one.

Anywho, I didn't buy my clears off of ebay, bought them online, don't remember the site, but I'm on my way to 3 years with them, with no yellowing. I spent 40 for the pair I think. Somewhere in there. So, I gotta go with Wht Knight here, if you like the look of the Australian OEM then go for it. Other than that, save your money. Also, I don't know if all, but in most states those clears from Australia are illegal since as said before, you are required to have reflectors

i only had them on my 03 for a a little under a year, took them off, then put them on my 05 for a month or two. i had them but didnt put htem on for a while (that makes up for the lost year). so they were on for a little over a year. congrats on getting a decent pair off of ebay. the OEM clear coreners are the only ones whose color exactly matches that of the factory headlights. reflectors are required in every state by law, but apparently california and ohio cops dont mine (the two, IMO, strict states in the union). so can have your opinion, but i think anyone would choose the look of OEM over ebay because of how they match in color. money should never be taken into account when moding a car. if youre going to do something, do it right or dont do it at all.

pimp03explorer said:
the OEM clear coreners are the only ones whose color exactly matches that of the factory headlights. reflectors are required in every state by law, but apparently california and ohio cops dont mine (the two, IMO, strict states in the union). so can have your opinion, but i think anyone would choose the look of OEM over ebay because of how they match in color. money should never be taken into account when moding a car. if youre going to do something, do it right or dont do it at all.

for anyone that wants the aussie corners, if you get a ticket for not having the reflector, it is not a moving violation so it wont hurt your insurance. most cops dont mess w/ accessory fines since they usually get thrown out when the person takes a picture of the vehicle /w the accessory corrected and present it to the judge. They still have to pay court fees and waste time sitting in court. i've had illegal accessories before and window tint and no front plate have been the only ones I got caught for.

looks like the ebay corners match pretty good to me :confused:

moding any vehicle is a personal preference. what you spend on it is just like what parts you choose .... owners choice. gonna do it right :lol: .... if you believe that then you should have bought a loaded aviator to start your moding. I hear that crap all the time from mustang GT owners since I bought a V6 to mod ... to which I reply, why'd you buy 2V GT when you could have bought a 4V cobra. to each their own!

Wht Knight said:
for anyone that wants the aussie corners, if you get a ticket for not having the reflector, it is not a moving violation so it wont hurt your insurance. most cops dont mess w/ accessory fines since they usually get thrown out when the person takes a picture of the vehicle /w the accessory corrected and present it to the judge. They still have to pay court fees and waste time sitting in court. i've had illegal accessories before and window tint and no front plate have been the only ones I got caught for.

looks like the ebay corners match pretty good to me :confused:

moding any vehicle is a personal preference. what you spend on it is just like what parts you choose .... owners choice. gonna do it right :lol: .... if you believe that then you should have bought a loaded aviator to start your moding. I hear that crap all the time from mustang GT owners since I bought a V6 to mod ... to which I reply, why'd you buy 2V GT when you could have bought a 4V cobra. to each their own!

looks to me that the clear corner doesnt match at all. its too white compared to the stock headlamps. it looks ugly when they stand out, it looks better when they blend in.

pimp03explorer said:
looks to me that the clear corner doesnt match at all. its too white compared to the stock headlamps. it looks ugly when they stand out, it looks better when they blend in.

to each, their own ... the clear part is clear, and the reflector is white instead of orange. other than the orange missing, they are identical to the US OEM corner lamps (indentions, visible patterns, etc).

Wht Knight said:
to each, their own ... the clear part is clear, and the reflector is white instead of orange. other than the orange missing, they are identical to the US OEM corner lamps (indentions, visible patterns, etc).

w/e u say my man

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pimp03explorer said:
w/e u say my man

The guy is polite about it, you however, are not. Seems to me you have a real urgency about defending the high dollar stuff you paid for. :rolleyes: I OWN the regular clears, and so does he. They match, I look at them everyday, so yes, I would consider myself an expert on the subject. Like he says, to each his own. Not only did I "do it right" on my clears, I had an extra 80 bucks left over to buy beer for me and all my friends so we could sit back and admire them.
