Daystar is making st bushings! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Daystar is making st bushings!


Well-Known Member
January 30, 2012
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So. Cal
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04' Sport Trac
I talked to the guys at day star at the truck show last weekend and one of the reps. owns a sport trac. He said they should have bushings for our truck by the end of next month. Soory for a whole thread just for that, just wanted to get the info out there. I told him i am on the forums and that a lot of us are looking for body bushings.

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That's a good thing, and word of mouth helps. Thanks.

BTW, is it known that the body bushings are the same for all pre 2002 Explorers and the Sport Trac/Sport?

I may have to work on the underside of mine soon, and if the parts can be had new, that would help. Regards,

Feast or famine.
6/7/2012 We at Prothane Suspension have good news for you 01 to 05 Ford Sport Trac owners, we have just made a urathane body mount replacment kit, it is currently in testing and should be ready in a few weeks. We will have it on our web site is a few weeks under new products when it's available.

I have a trial set coming from Prothane. Will keep the other thread updated when i get them installed.

The explorer ones work but they give you more than enough cuz the SUV takes more bushings than our SUT does. But good info and about damn time. Had to wait until they discontinued the vehicle i guess. I bought the daystar kit for the 01 explorer and it works.

The explorer ones work but they give you more than enough cuz the SUV takes more bushings than our SUT does. But good info and about damn time. Had to wait until they discontinued the vehicle i guess. I bought the daystar kit for the 01 explorer and it works.

Cool, so the bushing sizes are a match to the OEM 91-01 Explorer parts? What is missing from the Sport Trac that is in the older 91-01's?

Cool, so the bushing sizes are a match to the OEM 91-01 Explorer parts? What is missing from the Sport Trac that is in the older 91-01's?

They match up but aren't used in the exact orders as the instructions say to use so to speak. You pretty much match them up. The sport trac doesn't use any bushings in the bed where the explorer used 8 uppers/lowers i believe. The sport trac uses 6 in the cab, 12 uppers/lowers and 2 in the very front 4 uppers/lowers. Either way the sport trac uses a total of 16 uppers and lowers and the explorer uses 24 i believe but dont quote me completely on what the SUV uses only know from experience with the sport trac never messed with the SUV.

Also check out this one, this was my thread where i discovered the whole bushing dilemma. Others followed through with the daystar kit and replaced all bushings and had sucess with it. That other thread is where some other members completed the project.

Thanks Brent, those do look like good parts. I'll check mine out soon when I start on the underside of my truck.
