deamon3's Jurassic Park explorer build thread | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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deamon3's Jurassic Park explorer build thread

Got it all done priming today , next to come will be some color! gonna go from top to bottom , red first , then the green and yellow. Or at least that's my plan



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What about the roof of the X...are you going to prime that?

So far its looking like a good project :thumbsup:

Don't want to tell you how to go about your painting, but you'll get a LOT better results if you paint the removeable components separately.

Like the grill, headlight bezels, etc...

Also, things like the wipers, mirrors, door handles, bumpers, and stuff are super easy to remove a lot less work than all that taping.

Looks good so far!

Are you planing to find some of the same stock rims as the JP mobile?

Finally got some color on! After talking with my mom I decided to do the yellow and green first before the red. The yellow went on much easier then the white primer, simply because I was painting on top of white. However the yellow paint got all over me as well. This was only 4 cans of yellow paint and it looks pretty good!





What about the roof of the X...are you going to prime that?

Since the red is relatively a dark color , I'm going to skip the primer.

Don't want to tell you how to go about your painting, but you'll get a LOT better results if you paint the removeable components separately.

Like the grill, headlight bezels, etc...

Also, things like the wipers, mirrors, door handles, bumpers, and stuff are super easy to remove a lot less work than all that taping.

For me it's easier to tape! lol

Are you planing to find some of the same stock rims as the JP mobile?

If somebody wants to straight up trade their stock rims for the ones I have then sure.

I agree that it would be a better finished product removing the parts and spraying in where the lights go and whatnot...buuuuuut I'm fairly sure that the original JP Explorers were painted with almost everything on them since they were just to be used for the movie, and most if not all were going to be destroyed in it.

So really, it's going to be pretty accurate.

I think your ride looked great overall with the tires and Navajo front end. Especially with the Ford oval on there, it really made it look like a revised factory front end for those who don't know about the Navajos.

I'm sure someone will want the Navajo parts, they seem to be getting harder to find.

Take your time on the taping of the green/red and get it as close as you can.

Are you going to spray it with clear after you're done?

Are you just rattle canning it?

YES! good choice in yellow. gonna need the shades for that...:cool:

Nice yellow color. :thumbsup:

That looks dang good for using rattle cans. I don't seem to have good luck with rattle cans.

Rattle Cans--Looks Great--Unbelievable! Will the paint hold up on the plastic parts without a "flex or bonding agent"?

Nice progress keep up the good work:thumbsup:


It's really GREEN! I actually couldn't find any standard lime green at any store in town , so I ended up using floresent green which looks sooooo cool in person. However the camera is picking it up funny and makes it look a lot brighter then it is. Since the green is a matte finish I'll definitely have to clear the car.




Nice work for using rattle can. For what it is probably costing you it sure looks great.

So far I have only spent about 75$ on all the paint including the primer so far. lol. This will probably end up being 100$ paint job.

Looking good. :biggthump

Subscribing. :popcorn:

Its looking better and better every time you work on it. Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

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