design a rear deflector | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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design a rear deflector

Ah, the perrils of a ressurected thread.

The poster in question " spindlecone " has been banned from this site and likely will not be able to respond to your question.

It would be my best guess it is for a Sport Trac.

Thanks MONMIX, I guess old idea once around again I want a X Wing for my Explorer.... I feel like an idiot for not buying one when I had the chance from Explorer Express, but it was like $250 +. Had a look at your X very nice buddy, I copied a couple of your pics for inspiration.

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heh, heh, heh
thanks man.
I got a lot of inspration from a lot of people here. Lots to learn around here.

You guys are gonna think I'm nutz, but back when I was a kid, I built a rear spoiler for my '66 Mustang from a mid 70's Chrysler wagon rear deflector. They used a fiberglass deflector that bolted down in a couple places. It's easily modified and probably about the right width. I found a couple of fuzzy pix of vehicles with them mounted. You can probably pick one up from a junkyard for peanuts.....



That's a nice thought except for one thing. Those cars are probably more rare than a Saleen Explorer. I have a friend with a Matador that he cannot find a hood and fender for. Lots of cars are so undesirable that they get crushed instead of parted out.

I'll get mine finished one of these days. Good luck,


  • RearWing01.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 322

That's a nice thought except for one thing. Those cars are probably more rare than a Saleen Explorer. I have a friend with a Matador that he cannot find a hood and fender for. Lots of cars are so undesirable that they get crushed instead of parted out.

I'll get mine finished one of these days. Good luck,

Thanks guys, I have thought of going to the junkyard with measuring tape on hand and see what might fit but after Davids write up I guess the Kia Sedona Wing is the way to go. Has anyone else done anything like that with another manufacturers wing??? Don I think you should just sell me your wing, lol, No really. Well if you ever think so let me know. As I'm waiting on the bus this morning I'm looking at my Ex and I was wondering if the glass would open with the wing and Don your pic answered that, but does it hit?

The picture is with the truck parked up hill and the hatch glass not opened completely. The wing is just laying there, from what I've read of the other nine wings, they do not touch. These are shorter in length front/back then the Saleen XP8 wing, which did touch the glass.
