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DIY Explorer 302 Headers

The double-Dorman frankenstein EGR pipe is welded!

Time to blast, then off to get high-temp powder coat. While stainless doesn't "rust" like carbon steel, it still oxidizes, especially when heated.

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Um, powdercoat nor ceramic will hold up on the egr tube.
Edit. Going from experience . Even exhaust tips will eventually get too hot for high temp powder.

Both will flake if not turn to ash. It will see 1000+ degrees.
I'd leave as is if you cannot get it plated.

Might find some extreme high temp paint, but I'd wonder how well it would stick to that material?

Um, powdercoat nor ceramic will hold up on the egr tube.
Edit. Going from experience . Even exhaust tips will eventually get too hot for high temp powder.

Both will flake if not turn to ash. It will see 1000+ degrees.
I'd leave as is if you cannot get it plated.

That hot? I didn't think the headers even got much hotter than 700-800 deg F and I figured the EGR tube was less considering the silicone tubes connected to it would start to let go in the 400-450 deg F range. The powder I was planning to use is what my company puts on heat shields that get clamped directly onto sport bike headers...

I may see about getting it plated, but it's not a very electroplating-friendly part with the loose nuts on it.

That hot? I didn't think the headers even got much hotter than 700-800 deg F and I figured the EGR tube was less considering the silicone tubes connected to it would start to let go in the 400-450 deg F range. The powder I was planning to use is what my company puts on heat shields that get clamped directly onto sport bike headers...

I may see about getting it plated, but it's not a very electroplating-friendly part with the loose nuts on it.
The headers on my 68 cougar get cherry red hot after driving it hard. You can see through the metal.

Interesting. I confirmed our powder is good up to 800 deg F, so I'm going to gamble that the EGR doesn't get quite as hot as headers because I also confirmed plating the pipe would be pretty complicated/labor intensive (and I've used up all my plating expert favors with the headers). If the powder does burn off, I'll remove the pipe to strip and plate it then.

I’ll put an infared thermo on my egr tube next time I drive the trac for you let’s see how hot she gets

My bet is around 500°F give err take 25°
My guess is based on the color the EGR tube turns After a few heat cycles


Still waiting on my EGR tube but I've been keeping busy making heat shields. I bought a couple rolls of the Velcro sheath material and have been cutting sections, sewing up the ends and installing them on brake lines, fuel lines, and the hood release cable.


Smart! Ac lines too!

Good idea! I only got sheath material in 1/2" ID and 3/4" ID, I'll have to see if the 3/4" ID can fit over the A/C lines.

Can you show us this material? Who makes it etx

I generally use DEI products for everything like this (header wrap, plug wire sleeves, etc.), but they don't sell a 1/2" ID Velcro sheath. Since I didn't want to disconnect lines again nor did I want to use bulkier material than necessary, I bough some cheap material off Amazon.

The only negative reviews I read were about the branding tag not being heat resistant (easy enough to avoid, there's only one tag per 10' roll) and there were complaints that the threads come undone after cutting them (duh!). I just cut sections to size and fired up my 50s Singer sewing machine to backstitch over the loose threads and zig-zag across the cut ends to stop them from fraying. I can take some close-up pictures when I'm home tonight.

Time will tell how the material holds up, but it looks pretty good to me. I used the 1/2" ID material over brake lines and plug wires and 3/4" ID on the fuel line and hood release cable.

What EGR tube?

Man, I love satin black. Really helps things disappear.

If its a shiny car part I generally paint it black
We call it dusty black lol

And just like that, the headers have virtually disappeared.

Looking forward to seeing what all the hype about TMH is...hopefully tomorrow!

Horsies you can feel and hear it

Well done! Seriously a big round of applause!!!

Nice work!

I put a similar material on the brake booster, fuel line, HVAC box, steering shaft, under the throttle body/intake tube and HVAC line/orifice tube. It is holding-up well after a few years.

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Wait I’m lost…I thought you fabbed your own?

Did you give up and install TMH?
