Don't Drink n Drive | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Don't Drink n Drive


Active Member
March 1, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Brooklyn, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer XLT
well, long story short, a few drinks on an already exhausted me, and i woke up with a telephone pole. almost a year later they gave it back(the truck not the pole). So now she's my project. to see if we can bring her back from the dead


pretty much ripped out everything in front of the engine, got the engine running, but the wheels ain't working, so next step is checking out the linkage on the tranny. my dig cam died when i started this project, but I'm capturing everything on video so whenever i figure out how to put it on the comp I'll update.

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Sorrry about the incident, but goodluck on your project.

Sorry to hear about your accident. If ya need any help just give me a holla and I will be glad to help you out. Welcome to the site.

Little harsh there Robb..... Also That sucks botu your truck, i dotn think Drinking and driving is very smart, but that was jstu a little to harsh robb, im sure he learned his lesson.... And by the looks your lucky your still here....


Originally posted by Robb
Nice Job Dumba$$!!!!!:rolleyes:

hope you learned a very valuable life lesson... i know, i have been there... dont ever drive drunk or under the influence of anything ever again.... i had 5 accidents from being exhuasted and falling alseep driving.... its costed lots of $ and anguish... i plan on not venturing back that way ever again......

if you need parts let me know. I have an entire front end for that sitting here

i had 5 accidents from being exhuasted and falling alseep driving....

Holly Crap!! You should drink coffee!

Thats the craziest front bumper I've ever seen. Glad your OK.

And the headlights never broke! Amazing.

At least you were drunk, so less harm to you.

Although if you weren't drunk you wouldn't have driven into the pole. :p

why did it take a year to get the truck back? also how bad off is the frame??

he might be talking about his licence. that bumper is pretty cool lookin! oh and doesnt the hood open from the front and not the side??

A similar accident cost me $6500.

And I was not intoxicated or asleep thankyouverymuch.

Trail rig

It looks like a great candidate for a SAS offroad rig.;)

To give you some inspiration, I have seen worse wrecks returned to as-new appearance!

It may not be worth fixing. It will cost you more if you fix it up compared to if you just bought a used '94.

BTW- there is no excuse for drinking and driving.

holy cow! well at least your ok, thats the important thing......Is what people say. IMHO losing alot of money can be worse then getting physically hurt.

I got a DUI over winter break and it cost me about $4, far. I didnt crash but the fines, lawyer fees, court fees really cost ya. So im just confirming that its definately not worth it to drink and drive.

anyway good luck with the project. looking forward to see how it turns out so keep us updated.

Originally posted by Robb
Nice Job Dumba$$!!!!!:rolleyes:

Couldn't have said it better myself. Comming from Robb just makes it a classic.

I have a zero tollerance for drinking and driving. More of America should do the same.

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1st. I know there's no excuse fordrinking and driving

2. I wasn't drunk just exhausted, although I'm sure the couple of drinks i had added to my exhaustion

3. The engine now runs, soont he linkage will be fixed, then it's just basic parts, eventually I'll replace the cosmetics as well.

4. the hood is opening form the side, b/c
a. the front latch was crushed,
b. i had to remove it via the hinges
c. I put it back on top just for the pic and opened it that way to show off the inside a bit

5. If anyone is in the NY area(It's on Long Island at the moment and has parts or expertise and wants to help out, feel free.

6. I'm having a blast repairing it(but not planning to repeat it either)I'm doing all the work and any parts are form junkyards so it's really really cheap for me to fix

7.ya it's costing me a fortune for probation and DnD classes and all

I think that covers it, I wish I could reply to each individually, but this will ahve to do
