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Don't Drink n Drive

I also agree with Robb.

My friend wasn't so lucky when a drunk driver killed him.

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ya, pics def. what part of brooklyn, I live in Clinton Hill. once i fix the linkage i will def needs parts

Originally posted by DWI_Explorer
so please no more about the DWI, let's just talk about the truck itself.

I'm really looking for photos of the same truck or similar, under the hood , under the vehicle, parts, etc etc

Some do not appear to be listening so I will repeat myself this one time, this thread will ONLY be about answering DWI's questions about rebuilding his truck. If the off topicness continues I will shup it down. There is a whole section of this forum dedicated to discussing anything not related to Explorers, use it.

Just a suggestion: It might be a good idea to change your user name to something without DWI in it, just so people don't bug you about it anymore.

Originally posted by Gonzo
Just a suggestion: It might be a good idea to change your user name to something without DWI in it, just so people don't bug you about it anymore.

You beat me to the punch. I think it would be the best idea yet. Your screen name could be misconstrued as bragging. This just doesn't seem like a valid point to go there. Send a PM to Rick, he can help you change your screen name.

Sorry Mike, just Drunk drivers really piss me off, becuase I've known to many people injured by them.

Anyway, back on topic, definately a SAS canidate.

As for your truck, I would strip everything off the front end that bolts on and take it to a frame shop to check the frame alignment and straighten if necessary. That's a huge safety issue and should be hightest on the priority list.

I just bought a 10-ton portapower set so i can fix the frame myself. I've laready ripped everything off the front. that metal shroud was the hardest b/c it was spot welded on(i had to use a large crowbar and hammer to break the welds, it doesn't look good.

what doesnt look good? the part u ripped off or the truck?? if the truck has is to bad u could always saw the roof off and make it a trail rig =)

also..did anyhting on the car get smashed because of the impact to the pole?? like are all the seats still in fine and everything

im just worried because of the destruction to the front bumper..its not that wimpy lol

id make sure to check all the steering linkages(sp?) and such...well hope u get it bent back into shape

no everything behind the windshield is perfect(not counting any water damage due to the cops leaving my windows open(they promised to close em)the engine is good, most of it is good. it's just whatever was in front of the engine that has to be replaced

thats not that bad..the ex got lucky =) must be the steel instead of plastic parts lol

Well to make life more simple cut off the core sup.
The upper rails and aprons will take some work and a few cuss words but you should be able to beat them back into place.
The hot ticket for the top box is to " Cross box " or " cross measure " the top. Meaning measure from the LEFT furthest back fender bolt hole to the RIGHT futhest forward fender bolt hole and then visa versa.
They should be identical. ( on a Ford you can give or take 1/8 but NO MORE )

I can get the exact measurement from work if you wish.
All our books are in mm though.

The lower frame is a bit more involved and if it is off more than about 1/4 a porta-power isn't gonna make it happen.

It is not a nightmare ahead of you but you do have work ahead of you. Again lemmie know if you need any assistance

alright, the engine runs, I've adjusted the linkage,

it appears to take a second or two before the wheels actually move when i put it in each gear...hmm any other ideas what might be going on there

well her'es a basic parts list of what I need I've found some fairly cheap sources but wanna see if I can get em any cheaper.

-automatic belt tensioner
-ac condensor
-water pump
-fan clutch
-fan(radiator) shroud
-radiator hoses
-water pump hoses
-I'll worry about bumper and body parts later on.

hmm am I forgetting anything?

New belt ?

I'm really looking for offers on parts, used parts.
as much as I'd like to replace everything with top of the line parts i can't afford it, I'm under deadline and running with a budget that's too low for anything. which is why I'm not worrying about cosmetics right away. If anyone would like to make any offers on here or thru e-mail i would greatly appreciate it

I read like 3 posts and knew this Fourm would start a convo about drinking and driving. (Died.) Ppl are pretty prudent about voicing their .02, .03, and .04 like women at Big Lots here man, but they're right. If you plan on getting into the site u may wanna change the name. LOL. Great pic at the top man! "Oh well!" Sounds like you can get it done w/o alot of money going too.

I have all the parts you need. contact me ASAP because the car is going to be parted out and sold on Ebay. I am in Brooklyn.

good luck on the rebuild....
hows things coming?

it's kinda paused right now. I pulled off everything that needs to come off, now I'm awaiting the portapower set, and offers on parts. I should prob change out the motor mounts but I've been busy w/ other things lately, so...just waiting offers

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work is going well, thanks to Joe and Anthony @ ClassAcars in BK for the majority of the parts. as soon as I can make these pictures smaller I will post a link to them.
frame straightening is goign better than expected, just taking a lil creativity. but everything is going well.
