EF 20th Anniversary Events - Planning for 2016!!! | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EF 20th Anniversary Events - Planning for 2016!!!

Getting my Dodge tow rig ready. I'm going to feel much more comfortable towing Red to all these events than driving it there.

Now just to find a trailer...

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Well Anthony and I have our sites reserved at canyonlands from may 14-22. If y'all want to reserve there I would call asap cause they've already got spots filling up.

Just made mine, they set me up next to yours :)

I'm not gonna count on having a pickup camper by then, so I Just booked what looks like the last cabin at Canyonlands, 14th-21st!!

I'm not gonna count on having a pickup camper by then, so I Just booked what looks like the last cabin at Canyonlands, 14th-21st!!

Nice......so far away yet I'm so excited already

Reservations made. Didn't have any sites where the group is gonna be, but got sites G14 and G15 for myself and Desirae.

As of this week, I am actually a maybe, the company I worked for went bankrupt. The new owner did speak with me when I was offloading at the loading dock, and did say he wanted me back when he got up and running. I told him about Moab on the spot and he did not seem to have a problem with it. But I have not heard anything back. Keeping fingers crossed.

Reservations made. Didn't have any sites where the group is gonna be, but got sites G14 and G15 for myself and Desirae.

As of this week, I am actually a maybe, the company I worked for went bankrupt. The new owner did speak with me when I was offloading at the loading dock, and did say he wanted me back when he got up and running. I told him about Moab on the spot and he did not seem to have a problem with it. But I have not heard anything back. Keeping fingers crossed.

Mike you at canyonlands?

What are the dates for Moab?


Are all the events in AZ and UT done for the year or is anything "Ranger/Explorer" happening say the second or third week of September? I'm planning a trip....

I'm sorry for my lack of participation here. Straight story is that this year has been horrible for Char and I and as important as the forum's anniversary is to me, it takes a back burner to everything else that has been going on with health and family issues. I just haven't been able to think about next year.

I'm sorry for my lack of participation here. Straight story is that this year has been horrible for Char and I and as important as the forum's anniversary is to me, it takes a back burner to everything else that has been going on with health and family issues. I just haven't been able to think about next year.

Of course it takes a back burner.....no need to apologize Rick.....I hope you and char are starting to get back in good health.

Rick, Kris and I are praying for you and Char as always!

As far as Moab, Kris and I are still down of course

Dates for Moab are still 20th -22nd correct? Gonna be starting a EMT course in about 3 weeks that runs till June, but I'm really hoping that we can still make it out there for it.

Due to the lack of knowing if we will or not at the moment, we'll probably just do the back country camping on the BLM land, so [MENTION=273055]Glasken[/MENTION], we'll get in touch when the time comes and set up near you if that's alright!

Lastly, is there going to be a Rausch Creek run or Badlands run planned for 2016? Those are closer for us...Bundy Hill is also 45 minutes North into southern Michigan if anyone would be interested in that (said to be one of the best in Michigan...don't know how true that is...yet... :D)

Unless rick says other wise I think the date is still may 20 to 22. Setting it before memorial day weekend I think is the best

So just verifying Moab is May 20-22. I will put in for it.


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Well here it is our 2016 Moab rig.

This is the last pic you get before it arrives in Moab.


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