Exhauust cutout PROBLEMS!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhauust cutout PROBLEMS!!!


June 1, 2006
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2000 Limited
hello, I just bought a race ready electronic exhaust cutout for my 00' 5.0...when i looked under to make sure that everything fit before i bought it, i saw that i have one pipe from each header with a cat on both of them..i dont want to just have one cutout on one of the pipes...does anyone know of any ways to get a cutout on both of the pipes or just to fix my problem..Thanks

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lilbuddy said:
hello, I just bought a race ready electronic exhaust cutout for my 00' 5.0...when i looked under to make sure that everything fit before i bought it, i saw that i have one pipe from each header with a cat on both of them..i dont want to just have one cutout on one of the pipes...does anyone know of any ways to get a cutout on both of the pipes or just to fix my problem..Thanks
only way to do it without gettin 2 cutouts is to get a Y pipe and put it in after the cats. its about the only way to do it.

IT wont be as loud though...and plus there are two pipes going into the muffler...so i woould still have to buy two....r u sure u kno wut ur talking about?

lilbuddy listen you cannot bypass the primary cat converters or the down stream 02 sensors or your truck will run like crap.
Also your stock computer wants some back pressure, running cut outs will make it run like crap too, you will lose ALL of your low end torque.

If you do want to install a cutout then you need to use two of them just before the secondary cat converters or just before the muffler, but again with no exhaust from the down pipes back its going to lose alot of power.....

if the cutout is 18 inches off the headers then i will not lose back pressure. Does anyone know if there is enough room under there to put a Y pipe under there to make it into one pipe b4 the muffler?

sure there is ALOT of room under these 4 doors to do all sorts of stuff.
I am sorry you will lose backpressure with no muffler/pipe beyond the down pipes, believe me I know.
I have two 5.0l trucks, I drove both of them with no exhaust, then with some exhaust, then with full exhaust, both trucks have MORE power with full exhaust, also no 02 sensor codes....
I even went to a smaller diameter exhaust on my new truck because the single 3" on my Bronco II was too large and cost me some low end.
IMO a 4 door explorer needs all the low end torque it can get.

If you are just looking for sound have you considered running a Y pipe and no muffler after the secondary cat converters? This would be one loud setup!

lilbuddy said:
if the cutout is 18 inches off the headers then i will not lose back pressure. Does anyone know if there is enough room under there to put a Y pipe under there to make it into one pipe b4 the muffler?

i bet you can build a ton of backpressure with 18" of pipe.

I have a "y" pipe with no secondary converters. I wish now that I still had them. Back pressure is very important to the 5.0. If you must use the cut out, have a y pipe built after your secondary converters, then the cutout then a single in single out muffler. When you open the cut out, you will loose low end but it will be loud.
